11 a view to kill

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PSA: get your tissues 🤧


The whole world burns inside her. Her knees buckle as she hears the screams. The vampire hit the wooden porch with a scream. She bangs her hands against the doorframe of the house. Tears fall uncontrollably down her cheeks. Mascara runs but she could care less. She wants inside the house, she wants this pain to stop.

Fire lights up the room and she feels sick to her stomach. She sits on her knees, palms pressed against the invisible barrier preventing her from entering the house. There is nothing she can do but watch.

Watch as her twin dies.


"You are completely and utterly barbarically insane, Kol! Attacking the Bennett witch?" Evanora paces throughout her bedroom of the Mikaelson mansion. Her twin called her complaining of how Bonnie Bennett crushed every bone in his body at the high school.

He scoffs loudly on his end of the line. "I am only attempting to stop their chances of raising Silas. You are on my side, remember? Not theirs." She rubs a hand over her face. "I remember, brother. But I do not want you getting hurt."

"I have Niklaus' daggers and white oak ash, as well as the white oak stake. I am completely safe. Now, I must go. Talk to you later." He hangs up the phone and hers clicks off. She drops her phone by her side and shakes it lightly.

"I don't think you are..."

She spends the next few hours trying to wrap her head around the sick feeling she has deep down. The feeling of something terrible gnaws at her. Her body shakes and she tosses back and forth on her bed.

The pink phone lays on the pillow next to her head. Finally, she huffs and turns on her back to stare at the ceiling. Intricate detailings swirl around and create a pattern she is sure Klaus picked out. He has always had an eye for details, and knows how the twin does as well.

A loud knock causes her to look over at the door and feels her heart race. She runs over to the door, not caring about her appearance. The blonde's hair is standing up in different frizzy directions from her constant running her hands through it.

She wears a loose gray crew neck along with a pair of cartoon fuzzy pajamas that she thinks Scarlett mentioned were 'Scooby-Doo'.

The door swings open and she huffs in disappointment as she sees it is Klaus. He wears a scowl and grits his teeth. "What are you and Kol planning? Killing Elena? Hm?" He barges into her room while pointing an accusing finger in her direction as she backs up.

"What? He has never mentioned killing Elena! I haven't spoken to him since this morning!" She yells back and points to the window which displays the dark sky. "Get dressed, you are coming with me." He commands and walks out of the room and slams the door shut.

Evanora waits for a second and swallows her nervousness. She turns around and fumbles through the dresser she had backed into. The girl quickly dresses and runs out of her room, attempting to smooth out her hair.

She doesn't look the best, but she could care less.

Something is wrong.

Klaus stands at the front door pacing back and forth. His head snaps up in her direction and he walks out the door, leaving it for her to close. "Nik, what is going on?" She asks and shuts the heavy door and scampers after the hybrid.

"Kol is inside the Gilbert residence along with Elena and Jeremy. Now get your arse in this car so you can convince him to leave the two alone."

The twins are the only two who are able to stop each other from their foolish ideas. All the Mikaelson siblings know this.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now