43 moon over bourbon street

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A month has passed since Rebekah Mikaelson left New Orleans. She left her siblings in an exchange for freedom of a new life. Klaus dwindled in his sadness, Elijah started the means to rule New Orleans, and Evanora... Well, Evanora was just Evanora.

The thousand year old vampire indulged in teaching Zoe control, talking to the freshly returned Davina, and digging up as much as she can on soulmates.

Which wasn't much.

Through the grapevine, she heard of a party her brother was throwing. One he failed to invite her to. Perhaps it was him forgetting, or just not wanting her to show up.

But, here she is. Standing in front of the Mikaelson compound in one of her finest outfits. Over the course of the month, she decided to make the change to dye her hair back blonde. Another change she made was cutting her hair from mid back to above her shoulders.

The new change makes her feel better than before. All that sorrow and pain she felt suddenly left. A heavy burden left, and she feels like herself.

She feels like Evanora Mikaelson. An Original Twin. A malicious mischief maker.

Tonight is to bring an alliance between the supernaturals and humans of New Orleans. Vampires, witches, humans, and werewolves.

It surely won't be that hard to stir the pot with the werewolves added to the mix.

She bristles at the thought of wolves and her last interaction. More than ten werewolf bites due to a traitorous flirt, left her delirious for an entire day. The blonde werewolf, Rowan, tricked her to hand her over to the witches.

Evanora curls her lip at the thought of the traitor, but shakes her head to clear the thought.

Few stragglers enter the compound, but not before looking towards the Mikaelson. She's an enigma to those who don't know her, but an absolute pain to those who do.

She is quick tempered, jealous, and stubborn. The trio of traits that each Mikaelson proudly wears. Years of living do that to a soul.

The Original sets her shoulders straight and holds her head high. A look of regalia and mischief pulls her features together. Brown smokey eyeshadow makes her hazel eyes pop. She accessorized with gold jewelry, just to match her beautiful outfit.

A sheer sequined tan two piece with distinct patterns. The skirt shows her long legs with grace, with help from the sky high gold heels. There are pieces under the dress to protect her modesty, thankfully.

Showing up to a party naked is not a dream of hers.

She wistfully smiles and walks through the doors of the compound. Loud music thumps through the air, the walls are colored indigo with flecks of orange, and the people are loud.

They enjoy themselves and dance to the music that Evanora cannot help but sway along to. As she weaves through the dancing crowd, a certain pair of werewolves have taken notice of the new arrival.

"Maybe she won't be pissed we attacked her?" Rowan asks hopefully to Oliver who scoffs. "Yeah, right. That girl probably came here to eat us alive." The brothers exchange looks before laughing at each other.

"You're not wrong," A charming voice coos behind the brothers. They turn and jump as Evanora Mikaelson stands before them. She holds a martini in one hand while placing the other on her hip. "I fully intended for the two of you to be in pine boxes before the night is over. But, this is an alliance party, so I must do my part."

She begins to walk between the two before pausing, placing a hand on Rowan's shoulder. Her voice lowers to a more dangerous tone than before. "Besides, Hayley wouldn't appreciate seeing two werewolves strung down Bourbon Street with their appendages placed elsewhere." She hums and pats his shoulder in a comforting manner, but sinks her nails into his gray flannel.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now