47 the battle of new orleans

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"I want to die." Evanora groans from the banister as she sees Francesca Correa talking to her brother. The olive skinned woman stands proud and tall. Her confidence gives her an extra inch of height, despite her already tall appearance.

She wears a casual baby blue pantsuit, and is surrounded by men who look like her. Brothers, is what the woman confirms, as Evanora scoffs.

The blonde has always had a strange feeling about people. Some, she knows, will not cause any harm. Others, she knows, will definitely cause harm.

Francesca Correa is one of them.

"Same," Hayley snickers as she lightly nudges the top of Evanora's shoulder. The early May air called for a less than warmer outfit. Spring lingers like the vine covered walls in the Abattoir.

She stands beside Hayley wearing a periwinkle minidress. Its silky fabric has light blue leaves pressed into the fabric. The cap sleeves are covered by a leather black coat, paired with matching black pumps.

The two both cross their arms in distaste at the human businesswoman.

"Fellas, meet Mr. Mikaelson." She turns her head back to her brothers, then back to the hybrid Mikaelson. She ignores the burning glare a certain blonde hurdles towards her.

"Please, call me Klaus. All my friends do." He holds his head with pride and smiles politely as he talks. But, she wastes no time firing back at him. "I don't know if I'd call us friends."

Hayley bites her lip and turns her head to face the ivy covered walls, while Evanora snorts and does the same. Klaus frowns and glowers at his younger sister, but turns back to face Francesca.

"But if you and Marcel are planning on having a little throw down, I'd prefer my family to be on the same side as the inevitable victor." She holds a black velvet bag full of stones. None that mean any importance to Evanora, but stones that mean something to the pregnant werewolf beside her.

"Then you have what I asked for." The hybrid states and eyes the bag as well.

"Not enough for an army at such short notice, but it's a start." She holds it higher in her hands before placing it in his opened hands.

Evanora and Elijah share a look of confusion at the act. Both do not like the tone of voice she uses. Like every syllable is cut to hide the truth behind her words. They both do not like how their brother shared the plan with a stranger.

"Strange, I wasn't aware that she was familiar with our plan." Elijah frowns and strides forward from his place on the stairs to stand next to Klaus.

"My price for doing business is full disclosure. Your brother complied." While the hybrid holds a stone in his hand proudly, Evanora scoffs. "My brother is a fool and you are utterly nosy." She murmurs quietly to herself and ravishes in the glare Francesca cuts to her.

"Sister, play nice." Klaus smirks as he watches Francesca bristle at Evanora's wild glances. He looks over to see his sister standing poised as ever. Not a single hair out of place as she stands proudly.

Her hazel eyes are narrowed into catlike slits while she continues to glare at the human.

"How does the human faction expect to benefit from all this?" Elijah asks as he turns to face Francesca. "I only want to solidify our allegiance to the ruling class. It's good for business." Both Evanora and Elijah hum then scoff.

Something isn't right about her. The way Klaus ever so eagerly falls in with her words, doesn't sit right with both Mikaelsons.

"If only everyone shared your capacity for reason." He smiles at her, ignoring how she doesn't smile back. "Sadly, they don't. Marcel is being especially vindictive. I'm worried he might come after me or my family just for meeting with you."

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now