32 trust no one

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Evanora watches as her sister plunges a weapon into Marcel's chest. The brunette is propped against the abattoir's cement walls, her body lain slack against it. She had watched the way Davina temporarily killed her brothers. The anger and sadness was used as an outlet for the young witch's powers.

Marcel's lifeless body drops to the ground with a sickening thud. They all know he will wake up soon, but Davina looks just as heartbroken as if he were truly dead.

"Come on now, love. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat?" Rebekah peers down at the witch who wipes a few traitorous tears away.

"Now, that is impressive, and well-deserved, in my opinion. Now, before you turn on us, we have a surprise for you." Evanora grins brightly as she pushes herself off of the wall. She joins to stand next to her sister, slightly towering over the youngest due to her sky high heels.

The three of them look towards the sound of an opening door. The sound echoes through the hollow rooms, aching pains, and woeful memories.

Evanora truly despises this place.

It is partially the reason why she refused to live with Klaus. Too many awful memories, the majority ending in her few lovers' demise.

Theodore, the shoemaker, as well as Scarlett, her last love.

Their blood has smeared the cracked flooring of this very place she stands. They died for silly reasons. Their humanity slipped away with a simple cruel act of another person. Those three were good people.

Theodore died for loving her too much. His death was crafted from Elijah's simple annoyance of how the shoemaker was too close to the Mikaelson family. What Elijah didn't know was how much Evanora loved him.

She sped over to him as his body dropped to the floor, his blood spilling from the puncture wound through his back. A clean slice through his spinal cord with one of the very own Mikaelson daggers. Evanora grasped onto his white button down, which slowly turned crimson.

His breathy pants of an attempt to cling on to life slowly fade as she brings her wrist to her mouth. Through tear stained pleading of life, few drops of her blood touched his cracked lips.

Theodore's pale skin turned an even paler shade than she had ever seen. No thump of his wild heart she grew to adore. He was dead before her very eyes.

Evanora remembers that night vividly. The night where she confronted Elijah of his wicked action. She saw no remorse dance across his eyes like it would usually do. She knew her elder brother could be vicious and uncaring at times, but this was all she could do.

She lashed out against him.

She murdered his infatuation of the time, and burned his clothing. She remembers seeing the smirks of Klaus and Kol, as they watched her threw the burning suits over the railings.

Evanora is taken aback in confusion as Rebekah grabs Josh, whom the Original twin hazily remembers entering the building, by the throat. Davina let's out a choked sob and begs silently for the youngest Mikaelson to let him go.

Begs for Evanora to do something.

That is what the Original promised her: to help her. Why is she just standing there, gawking as her sister chokes one of her friends? Davina steps back as the blonde begins to speak.

"Now, if I were Klaus, I would rip Josh's head from his neck, feed it to a nightwalker, and that would be the end of your friend." With one last squeeze, Rebekah drops Josh and turns to face the witch.

"But hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, like how Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof, and, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother." The youngest Mikaelson brings her hands together and intertwines them as she looks up at the young boy who is perched on a wooden beam.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now