29 a home of broken hearts

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Hidden behind thick wooden trees, past the dark bog, and brush, there's a large house. Four exterior walls of white brick, a large wrap around porch framed with navy blue railing, and matching shutters.

It's been said to be haunted by the ghost of a wailing woman. The woman who died to grief of the death of her four children. The father was insane, he killed his own children. Cut up their bodies, smeared their insides on the beautiful white walls of their home.

Painted the once happy family blood red.

The man killed himself once the wife arrived home. He couldn't bear the look of hatred his wife wore once she knew it was he who killed her children. The wife killed herself out of a broken heart.

She hung herself off the second story banister.

No one dares enter the home from fear of the woman. It is said that she will kill every man who steps foot onto the premises. After one too many curious minds and deaths that follows each, the house has sat vacant.

But the story is just a lie.

A tall tale, a fable, crafted by the Original Twin, Evanora Mikaelson. She did not want people entering her home, she wanted it protected. What better way than to scare people and make a meal of it?

But after she was daggered by her brother, her house became empty. She has always hated living with her siblings. She had a  longing for independence after being treated like a troubled child by Elijah and Finn for hundreds of years. Then once she was able to get it, she enjoyed every second of it.

Now she wants that back.

She told Klaus that she would not be living with him again. His face had fell slightly but he nodded in understanding. He knows of all people how she and Kol did not want to be as close as he was with Elijah and Rebekah.

Although, he doesn't know of their spite they both have had for the three of their silly vow.

Always and Forever.

Eternal lives bound together by the three word phrase that haunts her dreams. The aching words that eat her alive as she sees the happy smiles on her siblings' faces. Taunting her.

The twins have never been a part of that godforsaken group. Never enough room for them at the table for them, nor Finn.

Now, she stands in front of her house, bright smile on her face as she sees it still standing in pristine condition.

"We kept it in good shape for you. The five of us knew you would come back to us." Willa smiles as she stands beside Evanora. The four witches and Scarlett were asked to help the Original move back into her home.

She doesn't have much with her now, but she hates going through her old stuff. The thought of her twin and the home they both lived in during their time in New Orleans, bothers her.

Evanora Mikaelson may be strong willed, mischievous, and proud, but she can't do things by herself. She can't process grief properly. The death of Henrik was quickly overlooked by the death of herself, her turning into a vampire.

The deaths of her past lovers were processed by the help of Kol who hated to see his sister upset. Finn's death was quickly processed, pushed back into her mind.

But Kol? She still hasn't come to terms with it.

"Thank you. All of you, really." Evanora smiles and steps forward and turns to look at her friends. They all wear their natural attire; Dorthea with her black dresses and flowy sleeves that stop at her knees, Eudora with her black jumpsuit with long necklaces, Willa with her earth green dress and tan cardigan, Blair with her mauve sweater and black pants, and Scarlett with her maroon shirt and navy blue jeans.

Evanora wears a cream colored button down dress. Light green drawings of a man riding a horse through a field with a dog chasing after, are printed on all of the clothing. Her hair is tied up into a loose bun, few brown strands frame her face.

"It's no problem, Nora. Now let's go in." Scarlett grins and nods towards the house. Willa and Blair race forward up the trimmed path with muffled giggles. The pair make Evanora beam with joy.

The 126 and 129 year olds have never lost their childlike charm.

It confused the Original on how the four witches managed to keep themselves so young for so long. Eudora explained their usage of special herbs, dismissing the conversation by saying it would catch up with them in the future. The eldest witch hates looking forward to the future, much would rather live in the moment.

A waft of nostalgia hits the six of them like a freight train as the door swings open. Everything is just like she remembers. The main entrance is bright, the walls painted white, a large staircase sits in the middle, antique furniture lines the walls.

A large wooden dresser is pressed against the wall. A vase, much like the ones back in the mansion, sits on the polished mahogany top. The porcelain vase was one Kol had specially made. The blue lines are formed into a scenery of a boy on the bank of a river. His back is turned, looking across the river to a house.

Their house when they were humans.

Their first home.

Kol would never tell anyone that he was sentimental, but Evanora knew.

The room has a black carpet laying on top of the wooden floor. It sits vertical to the entrance of the home. A beautiful chandelier hangs from the high ceiling.

"I forgot how heavenly it is in here," Dorthea exclaims and touches the banister of the stairs gently. Eudora looks over to see how Evanora's lip trembles slightly, how she backs up slowly.

"Let's get started, ladies."


The sun sets after hours of the six have spent getting Evanora back into her home. Scarlett left soon after the work was done. She apologized a thousand times but Evanora was just happy the auburn haired vampire was there.

Dorthea, Blair, and Willa left shortly after. Leaving Eudora with the Original.

"Eudora..." The brunette exclaims as the witch has her slender fingers wrapped around the crystal door knob. "Yes?" A warm smile graces her full lips as she looks at the vampire.

She has always considered Evanora and Kol as her children, despite them being hundreds of years older than her. The twins just needed a mother figure in their life, they both were happy that Eudora was willing to be that person.

"Thank you for being here with me. I know I keep saying thank you, but everything has been so harsh on me lately. I apologize if I am a burden on you." Evanora fumbles with her hands as she stands in front of her friend.

"You could never be a burden, my girl. I love you, and I will do anything I possibly can to help you."

That's the tipping point.

The words that make the harsh pricks in her eyes fall freely. She lets out a sob and Eudora is quick to wrap her in a hug.

"I know... Just let it out."


This is just a filler chapter bc I'm not a big fan of the episode the previous chapter was supposed to follow. I hope I didn't bother y'all with that 'story' Evanora had made up about her house 💀 And I finally posted the 'meet my ocs' book if you want to check it out!

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now