27 bloodletting

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"My God, Nora. Why did I accept the invitation to join you traipsing through the bayou?" Scarlett McLennon scowls as she accidentally steps in a mud puddle, causing her friend to laugh. "Because you love your best friend, Scar." Andrew Miller, her boyfriend, snickers from behind her.

When Evanora met Andrew, she immediately knew why Scarlett fell for him. His positive aura even made the frowning Original smile. He is very handsome to her; dark skin, dark eyes, and a beautiful smile.

He managed to crack a joke to ease the tension between the two of them. Thankfully it worked.

"Well, I'm thankful the two of you agreed to come. I do not think I could stand another minute with my pestering brothers. So annoying, I say." Evanora waves a hand through the air as she leads the three through the thick trees.

The sun beats down onto the three of them, all thankful they have their own daylight rings.

Evanora wasn't surprised to find out Andrew is a vampire. Scarlett told her of how they had been together for 7 years before he asked her to turn him. They have been together ever since.

Love is something she knows will not everlast for her. Doomed relationships due to overbearing family, being a vampire, and simply her own self. She has come to the conclusion in the past few weeks that maybe she isn't cut out for being in love.

"As long as we don't get bitten by a psycho wolf, I'm alright. I know you can get some of Klaus' blood for us, but I would prefer to not have to get in that situation at all." Scarlett sighs and steps over a large fallen tree.

"Totally. No offense Evanora, but I've heard your brother is psychotic and will not hesitate to put my head on a pike." Andrew tilts his head to the left to look past his girlfriend to the Original. "Which one?" She snorts as a reply.

The three of them stop immediately as they are cut off by none other than Elijah Mikaelson.

"Evanora, I'm pleased to see you here. I assumed you would have returned back to town with Rebekah." He looks over to both Scarlett and Andrew and raises a brow.

"Well, you know what they say about assuming things. You make an ass out of you and me." The brunette cheekily replies and looks back at her friends who snicker as well.

Elijah rolls his eyes with a slight smile and walks forward with an extended hand. "Elijah Mikaelson, and you are?" He asks politely to Andrew.

"Andrew Miller, nice to meet you."

"Likewise. Hello again, Scarlett." The auburn haired vampire smiles and nods at him. The elder brother looks to his sister who has her arms crossed over each other. "Klaus has the scent of Tyler Lockwood. He claims he took Hayley. Now all we have to do is find them." He looks up at the sky and Evanora scowls.

"Joy..." She grumbles and begins to walk forward. "What do you think he wants, if you don't mind me asking?" Scarlett asks with a raised brow as the four make their way through the trees. "Niklaus has informed me of the things he has done to Tyler Lockwood. Such as killing his mother..."

Evanora frowns and rolls her eyes. Of course Klaus has done something as ignorant as that.

Then she looks up with furrowed brows, tilting her head slightly. Andrew and Scarlett notice both the Mikaelson siblings doing the same.

"She's close," Elijah nods to the young couple before running off to find the werewolf. Evanora turns to her friends with a slight smile. Scarlett entwines her fingers with Andrew's, her long black shirt sleeve covering their hands.

"Thank you for coming with me. I'll drive you both back, then come back." Andrew shakes his head at Evanora's politeness. "I'm not sure about Scar, but I'm not ready to leave yet. I would like to meet Hayley."

The Original looks to her past lover who nods in agreement. She wraps her arms around her torso and looks up to the sky, auburn hair falling behind her back as she does so.

"Shall we get a move on?"

The three walk in silence, trying to listen for the Mikaelson brothers and Marshall werewolf. "Aren't you two fast friends? Well, come on, then. What horrible accusation have you conspired to levy against me?" Klaus' voices echos through the trees, causing Evanora to turn back to her friends before running towards it.

"Tyler Lockwood brought Hayley here to test a theory that the blood of her child could be used to side hybrids. He claims you knew that. Furthermore, you intended to use this knowledge to build an army."

The brunette rushes forward as she sees her brother standing on the front porch of a shack house. He is glaring at Elijah, then breaks his glare as he sees Evanora with Scarlett McLennon and an unrecognizable man. He tilts his head in confusion but blinks it away.

"Is that true, brother?" Evanora whispers after hearing every bit of what Elijah accused. She knows Klaus is many things, but using his own child as a weapon doesn't make sense to her.

"For God's sake it's not! I do admire your blatant trust in a complete stranger, Elijah. I mean why else would I show any interest in my own flesh and blood?" The hybrid mocks and waves his hands extravagantly. His siblings watch with slight frowns. One feeling sorry for him, the other not believing.

"A heartbroken, little crybaby points his finger at me, and my own brother falls in line, eager to believe it. How quickly you assume the worst, especially when it comes from her." He snarls and looks towards Hayley, making the group of three look at her as well. "Oh, spare me your indignation. When have you ever demonstrated any kind of concern towards Hayley or her child beyond your own selfish pursuits, and what was you once said to me?"

Elijah tilts his head up mockingly to his brother. "Every king needs an heir." He mocks his voice, causing Evanora to laugh at being caught off guard, as well as Scarlett and Andrew. The three earn a glare from both brothers and Hayley.

"Forgive me, Elijah, but you are wrong. Now, Nik may have his tremendous faults. Towering over the Empire State Building, even. I mean, you have more faults than I have shoes. But, despite that, his way of showing his concern is much different than mine or yours. Hasn't he not searched for her as much as we have?" Evanora, now standing in front of Elijah with an accusing finger, snarls at her brother.

Klaus stands behind her, thankful for someone to be on his side. As much as she is, at least. He knows Evanora hardly plays sides, never has.

"Thank you, Eva. But Elijah, we have said all that needs to be said, brother. I'll play the role I've been given." Klaus joins Evanora's side and grits his teeth in anger at his brother.

Then, he speeds over and bites Elijah in the neck. Werewolf venom entering his system.

"Oh, hell no! I'm not gonna be next. Bye, Nora!" Scarlett yells and she and Andrew speed away from the siblings and Hayley.

Evanora stands in shock as she sees Elijah groaning in pain, Hayley kneeling down to help Elijah standback up. All while Klaus stands beside her wiping his mouth of the blood. "You two enjoy each other's company. You'll have much to bond over once the hallucinations and dementia set in. Consider that bite my parting gift to you both. Come along, Eva, we have much to do."

The younger Mikaelson looks up in confusion as Klaus waits for her on the hill of the bayou. She ignores Hayley and Elijah's stares of hoping for her to stay with them. Despite the gnawing guilt eating her away, she follows her brother through the trees.

They both are silent for a while. Both letting their earlier actions set in. "I wasn't expecting you to say that." He starts and shoves his hands in his pants pockets. Evanora shrugs and sighs, placing her own hands in her tan jacket pockets.

"I only spoke the truth, Nik. I do not think you will use the baby for selfish purposes like Elijah believes. I know you have a heart despite what others may believe."

He smiles slightly at her and slightly bumps her shoulder with his. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Nik."


Low key hate this chapter but whatever lmfaoo.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now