51 birthday blues

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AUGUST 2nd, 2012

Evanora Mikaelson has always loved her birthday. That is until this year. Today marks her 1,030th birthday, but she is celebrating it without someone who would be the same age.

Her birthdays would usually consist of her bed being jumped on by her twin. He would shove her out of the bed despite her protests. The two would receive their birthday wishes from their family, then they would go on a slight murder spree. After that they would be back in time for their birthday celebration.

It was their birthday tradition.

Now, she stands in her quiet house all alone. She rubs her hands up her arms and cradles them close to her chest. Pain and guilt kill her over as she is flooded by her memories.

Over the two months she has been gone, she hasn't thought of her family. She traveled to different countries and tried new things. Turns out, she really really likes bungee jumping.

She tried things her family told her was foolish, such as throwing bloody fingers off of restaurant roofs. She would squeal in excitement as people screamed and thought fingers were falling from the sky.

Evanora found out that she is actually very talented at paper mache. She would donate her pieces to art facilities and then move along to the next country.

The summer months were freeing and exhilarating. She's never been happier. But something called her home. She had made up her mind to stay longer than the original plan, but a mysterious call led her home. It was cryptic and claimed something happened back in New Orleans to her family.

She knew it was a lie considering her brothers, or Hayley, would have called.

It was a strange accented voice that settled in her ears in a familiar, yet different way. So here she stands with her bags dropped to the hardwood. Her dark blue sundress suddenly feels heavy against her skin. Everything she left comes flooding back.

This time, she simply shakes her head and accepts the few things she knows.

1. Her brother is dead, thus meaning her first singular birthday.
2. Her niece is gone with her sister to be kept safe from the New Orleans witches.
3. Her brothers and Hayley are deeply upset by her niece having to go away.

It is better that she accepts the harsh pill of truth, rather than throw it behind boxes of memories. This time, Evanora Mikaelson will be herself as much as she can. That is if her siblings don't drag her back down into the trenches of despair.


Klaus Mikaelson is an ultimate mastermind. Birthday parties are his specialty. With throwing plenty of bashes over the centuries, he considers himself an expert.

It didn't take a genius to realize that Evanora was not coming back home to her brothers. She practically fled with the first chance she got, much like Rebekah did. With her birthday looming closer, Klaus began to panic. He did not know how he was going to get the Original Twin back to New Orleans in time for her birthday.

He put all of his sadness from his daughter's absence into the form of a birthday party for his sister. But even the haunting form of loss affects all.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄, kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now