My Prompts: Emmet x Fem reader.

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Person A "Why have you been avoidin- What happened to you arm?!"

Person B " I tripped on some ice and landed on it, Also I broke my phone that's why I haven't called you, sorry."


Emmet was antsy for the last week, why you may ask? not from a lack of battles or Arceus forbid one of the Trains breaking down. No, it's nothing like that, this was personal, see he hasn't heard from his girlfriend Y/n in like four days! and it was really freaking him out as his mind jumped to terrible and outlandish conclusions.

1. you were planning to break up with him. (this was his more logical and illogical thought, considering he hasn't done anything that would warrant a break up, it was pretty unlikely, but not an impossibility.)

2. you were kidnapped by an ornery trainer that Emmet had defeated to get back at him. (That one he really had think over as pure non-sense, he would've gotten some sort of message or ransom in exchange for your return by now.)

3. Or you were abducted by aliens....(Okay, even Emmet knew that was stretching it.)

Emmet hummed and paced around his office completely frazzled over this whole situation. "Dammit! where's Y/n? I want my Y/n! " he whined stomping towards the door ready to ditch work and go look for her, only to freeze when he opened the office door he found the very woman he was fretting over standing there hand raised ready to knock, the two awkwardly stared at each other, before Emmet suddenly yanked her into the office with him and locked the door.

"Where have you been, why have you be avoidin-..." Emmet's eyes widened to the size of a Hoothoot's when he saw her arm was in a cast. "What happened to your arm?!" Y/n sheepishly scratched the back of her head." During a battle I tripped on some ice and landed on it." Emmet winced at the mental image, of Y/n slipping and her arm just snapping like a piece of raw spaghetti, and how much pain she must've been in.

"B-but that still doesn't explain why you didn't call!" he muttered feeling hurt she didn't try and contact him after such a event "I... Also broke my phone, that's why haven't called you. sorry." Y/n muttered apologetically as she pulled Emmet into a one armed hug, Emmet's lips quivered as he hugged her back tightly, after everything calmed down, Emmet doodled and signed his name all over Y/n's cast and took her phone shopping. 

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