Submas: Wayward Spiral au.

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Summary: This is a the twins get fused together au, but with a twist!

(Still a work in progress, Also the name 'Alto' comes from the Alton Railway which was a train track that ran from Chicago to New Orleans from 1900-1958.) in this case the Alton track ran from Nimbasa to Nacrene City from 1900-1958.


So it starts out as normal day at the Gear station for Ingo and Emmet, taking on cocky trainers and disgruntled commuters, when during their lunch break a wormhole suddenly ripped open into their reality and sucked the twins in to it.

Neither Ingo and Emmet remembers what or how it happened but when they woke up aside from the fact that they were now wearing a gray version of their uniform, the two were shocked to find that they had become one person, With Ingo controlling the left side and Emmet controlling the right. that's not all.

They also found a little girl passed out nearby, when they checked her over injuries and made she wasn't dead, she woke up and hugged the fused conductor calling them "big brother Ingo" and she knew they come find her! and asked where Emmet was? when they asked her calmed down inquired as who she was? The little girl looked at them funny and said she was Carol their younger sister?

Which baffled the fused brothers, cos for as long as they could remember they've never had any siblings! but before they could question her about it, another wormhole opened up spitting the two out into Nimbasa. But something was different about it, for some reason Ingo and Emmet were the Gym leaders and Elesa was the subway boss, It didn't take long for them to realize they were in an alternate dimension!

The Ingo side of the twin fusion theorized that Carol must also be from one of these dimensions, which meant somewhere out there an Ingo and Emmet who were worried about their missing sibling, So they decided to figure out a way to help Carol back home and return themselves back to their original states.

It wasn't long before "Alto" as the fused brothers dubbed themselves figured out that they could open up small wormholes to different dimensions at will, they along with Carol start hopping from place to place hoping one day to find their way home.


[Alto after hearing about Warden Ingo's predicament, they feel bad that they can't help him, until Carol cleverly figured out that Volo was the one responsible for Ingo's predicament]

Subway boss Alto: *Emmet in control.* That's veeery interesting, excuse us for moment.

[They open a small wormhole big enough for their arm to go through.]

Volo: I WILL BECOME THE NEW- [Alto's hand appears and snaps it fingers.] HMm?! *gets punched in the face.*

[Volo falls to the ground knocked the fuck out, while Dawn and Ingo stare blankly at the disembodied arm giving them a thumbs-up before disappearing.]

Subway boss Alto: *to Carol* Now we can go.

[They pick up Carol and walk into another wormhole.]


[the first time Alto opens a wormhole, and they try to reassure Carol whose clinging to their coat; too scared to step into it.]

Alto: You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine, but you really think they're lying to make you feel better?

Carol: Yeah...

Alto: Everything's going to be fine.

[The fused conductors hold their hand out to her, Carol takes it and the two step forward into the portal.] 

(S: Doctor who)


[Alto makes an error in a battle and ceases to function for moment.]

Alto [Ingo in control]: Wait a minute. How did this happen? We're smarter than this.

Alto [Emmet in Control]: Apparently not.

Alto [Ingo's side]: Shut up Emmet, we need to think!

Alto [Emmet's side]: *shoves themselves* Don't tell us what to do!

Alto [Ingo's side.]: Why you little-*starts strangling his right hand.*

[the fused twins argue and fight for control over their body, while Carol and their Pokémon look at each other and watch on blankly.]

The poor trainer they're battling: *terrified.* What the fuck is going on?!??

(S: Star wars & The simpsons.)

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