🔞 Gargoyle! Ingo x [F]Reader

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It's monster fucker month! And figured I'd add my contribution.


Jealousy + Rooftop sex with Ingo, A compilation of five words you'd never thought you experience in your lifetime, but here you were dress ripped up to hell and it's remains somehow still hung onto your body, while you were roughly pinned against a patch of grass, as large black and red wings laid over you like a protective cocoon.

You winced as Ingo slowly pressed into you from behind, you choked back as gasp as you felt his girth stretch you out, In your hazy mind you recalled Emmet telling you you a while back, that by Gargoyle standards he and Ingo were considered small.

Standing at only 6'11 while the average height for their species was like 8 feet tall! Funny, Ingo certainly didn't feel small! giving that it felt like his cock was tearing your insides apart!; Regardless of how much he'd had prep you for it. He was big almost to big for you take, you felt tears burn your eyes and small sob escaped your throat as you tried to accommodate him.

Ingo left a trail of kisses along your jaw and neck, while murmuring apologies and praises; calling you a good girl for taking him in so well, Your face felt hot hearing those honeyed words, causing you try to hide your embarrassment in your arms as a muffled moan escaped your mouth feeling Ingo bottom out. Ingo's right hand rested on your hip while his while his free hand rested on the ground, his claws dug into the soft dirt as low growl erupted his chest, feeling your tight heat constrict around him, slowly growing used to his size.

After a bit, you gave Ingo the ok to move, the gargoyle slowly pulled away from you, you let out pathetic whine at the loss, -that whine soon turned into startled squeal as Ingo grabbed your waist impaling you back onto his cock, "Mine..." a possessive growl escaped Ingo's throat as he takes you at a rough and feral pace, filling the night air with the sounds of your moans and Ingo's low growls.

Ingo shifted his angle and watched you beg and squirm under his much larger frame; he rolls his hips roughly causing you to arch against taking him further and hitting a spot that cause sparks to flash in your vision and your insides to quiver. "that feel good sweetheart?" he purred in you ear you let out a choked sob and nodded as a low throaty moan escaped his mouth as your walls squeezed him.

Without warning Ingo suddenly pulled out you whined. "Ingo? wh-Epp!" You yelped as you were lifted off the ground and turned over to face him, you threw your arms around his neck to keep yourself from falling over but Ingo's wings gently caught you and rested against your back, You felt Ingo's hands on your hips as he pressed himself back into your weeping heat, you choked out a gasp the new sensation this position made it feel deeper,

You raked your nails across Ingo's back accidentally grazing the base of his wings, the gargoyle's harsh rhythm suddenly stalled as he let out a submissive whine, there was awkward pause, as your mind tried to register what just happened? But a flustered Ingo quickly regained his dominate composure back, and hooked his arm under your right knee, his claws glided lightly along the skin of your thigh as you wrapped your legs around his waist, You sobbed against Ingo's chest as he began his ruthless pace all over again, it felt you were melting as his feral growls and tender kisses sent you further over the edge.

Everything felt, so hot...so good, the coil in you belly was ready to snap! It was too much! the Climax Ingo had been pulling you toward came crashing over you like a tidal wave, a white haze filled your vision as you let out a desperate whine that was quickly smothered out by Ingo kissing you as he fucked you through it, His grip on your hips tightened as his wings hugged your tiny body closer Ingo's as his pace became more desperate and sporadic.

The gargoyle pulled away from the kiss and started nipping around your neck, his breath came out is shallow huffs as he whispers something to you, but your mind was too clogged up from overstimulation to register it, next thing you knew Ingo had sank his teeth into your shoulder, the shock from pain coupled with Ingo savagely fucking you into next week was what sent a another violent wave of ecstasy wash over you as you vision blurred.

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