Down the wormhole: Emmet x fem Reader [2/3]

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Soulmate au: where a tattoo-like rings with names appear on your fingers when you meet your soulmate(s) the color varies on the type of soulmate. Platonic or familiar show up as purple or blue and appear on your middle or index finger, and romantic soulmates are usually red or pink and appear on your ring finger.

[Summary: A girl in a world without Pokémon gets warped to Unova and appears in the gear station after hours, where she's found by Emmet, things do not start out all wishy-washy between them, Emmet is cold towards Y/n's existence and ignores anything she tries to do for him, angst with happy end.]


Soulmate au: where a tattoo-like rings with names appear on your fingers when you meet your soulmate(s) the color varies on the type of soulmate. Platonic or familiar show up as purple or blue and appear on your middle or index finger, and romantic soulmates are usually red or pink and appear on your ring finger.

[Summary: A girl in a world without Pokémon gets warped to Unova and appears in the gear station after hours, where she's found by Emmet, things do not start out all wishy-washy between them, Emmet is cold towards Y/n's existence and ignores anything she tries to do for him, angst with happy end.]



"You should've seen this coming Emmet." Elesa huffed as she wrote out a Wydat update on her laptop telling alerting the other Gym leaders and her fans of the situation while speaking to Emmet on the phone. "I told you if you kept being an ass to and letting your grief control you, Y/n was going to leave eventually." she huffed after finishing berating her childhood friend, for not taking Y/n's feelings about her situation into proper consideration.

She was stranger to this world and has lost everyone and everything she's ever known. "You can still search for Ingo, but you also need to keep living Emmet! shutting yourself away and pushing others aside, isn't going to make things go faster or better." Emmet hummed contemplatively telling Elesa he was listening, but he was busy looking through his bag and didn't respond right away, which worried the model.

"Emmet?" she heard rapid shuffling. "Eelektross's ball isn't here...She stole my Pokémon..." Emmet hissed angerly as Elesa winced at the accusation, Y/n didn't look like the type to steal... "Hold on a sec, let me check your security cams." The gym leader quickly logged into Ingo and Emmet's home camera feed, and watched the events that occurred last night in disbelief. "Um Emmet, Y/n didn't steal Eelektross, looks like he went with her willingly." Emmet made a noise like he didn't believe her, until Elesa sent him the clip.

Emmet watched in disbelief as Eelektross happily handed it's ball over to Y/n and left with her...his own partner ditched him! "He probably wants to look out for her...As much as you want to deny it Emmet, you care about Y/n, he sees that, especially what you did to your adoring fans, you went rather easy on them if ask me." The conductor's ears turned pink gritting his teeth as he exited the forest when another voice called out to Elesa in the background. "Hey, I gotta go! I got a shoot right now! Call ya later, bye!" Emmet said bye to his childhood friend and sat down on a rock to catch his breath.

He forgot how taxing it was to walk everywhere, he went to take a drink from his bottle when Emmet noticed how torn up the area behind him was. Like something huge had erupted from the ground... he got up and examined the area thoroughly, and recognized some of the scorched marks on some of the rocks and downed trees as Electrical...the thing that burst from the ground was obviously a large ground or rock type Pokémon...

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