Submas Vampire AU: You get hurt.

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[Afab/Drag king! reader.]

{Tw, stalking, blood, blood drinking, and stabbing.]

You winced in pain as you felt the stiches on your collarbone stretch under your shirt while putting on a T-shirt on, now regretting not letting the nurse help you get dressed, they told it was gonna be miserable! but in your adrenalin and pain killer fogged mind, you felt unstoppable and brushed off their assistance, but now ramifications on the whole situation was starting to hit you hard, you groaned in disdain eyeing the large bruise and band aid on your forehead. "Emmet's gonna freak!" you muttered warily, you know the hospital called him.

See what happened was You were at the cabaret bar this weeks theme was male video-game characters, everyone pulled a name at random, so there you were dressed as The sole Survivor from Fallout 4, while entertaining a group a girls, when closing time came around, one of the girls. (who you'd just learned just went through a nasty breakup.) had few tooo many and needed help getting to her cab.

So, you helped her get outside and you guessed it, her ex was there waiting! They got into it and you tried to break it up not seeing the knife in the man's hand, until...Well.... You aren't really sure what happened.

You remembered the girl screaming bloody murder at her ex and next you had a knife in you! You got pissed off! And somehow had grabbed the guy by the front of his shirt and headbutted him in the face, hard! He dropped like sack of potatoes as blood flowed like a facet from his nose! That was probably what the warm slimy stuff you felt dripping down your forehead was.

Meanwhile his ex-girlfriend continued to scream like an Aerodactyl, until some of your co-workers came outside to see what was going on? And understandably started freaking out over you! You kept telling them you were fine and were just gonna head home now, You even tried to take the knife out! Luckily your boss Troy (Real name: Trudy.) Stopped you as you reached for the handle and had you sit down on a bench, while their partner Madame Meringue (Real name: Marvin.} called an ambulance and the cops.

The doctor said it was good you were wearing that lifejacket (You were wearing a vault security costume, and needed a bulletproof vest for your costume, the real ones were too expensive so you improvised.) It took most of the damage so you only had a minor cut on your shoulder that needed a few stitches.

And after wiping the blood off your forehead revealed there was another small cut that was quickly taken care of, and as for the guy who stabbed you? Well, you learned later that your super effective headbutt, not only broke his nose. But also knocked out three of his front teeth and gave him two black eyes! And no his Ex did not go back to him, she may have been drunk, but she wasn't stupid! And his "grand gesture" for getting her back (Yes his dumbass though she'd left him for you.) just solidified her decision to stay single! Hopefully his stalking ass will learn something from this, though you doubted it...

It was around six am when Emmet showed up, you could tell he was pissed! You noticed his eyes first; surveying the people occupying the hospital's lobby warily they had faint red glow to them, as a rare frown adorned Emmet's face.

His hand slowly rose to cover his mouth so not to show his fangs, he could smell your blood... too much of it! Emmet bit into his cheek as he spotted you being pushed in a wheelchair by a nurse to him a low barely audible growl emanated from his chest as took in your condition...He saw red.

He wanted the one responsible dead! The nurse started talking snapping Emmet out of his thoughts, the vampiric conductor's fangs retracted Emmet put his hand down and put on his best showroom smile as he vaguely listened to her instructions on how to keep your stiches clean, not that it mattered to Emmet, he was just going fix your shoulder at home.

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