Necromancer AU: Emmet x Reader

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Afab Reader: they/them.

[TW for: death, human experimentation, zombies, stabbing, manipulation.]

From an incorrect quote that I wrote, Set after Emmet's spouse finds franken Ingo chained up in the basement lab and then a thought occurs to them, if Ingo was chained up in Emmet's lab, then who the hell were they talking to at Gear station?!


"Emmet?" Y/n called out nervously to their husband as they stood outside his office, the sounds of a clock ticking and his pen scribbling along the paper filled the otherwise tense silence in the room. "Who is Ingo?" The scribbling stopped as Emmet briefly glanced up at them from his paperwork before going back to it. "What kind of question is that, he bro-" His spouse cut him off.

"You know what I mean, the dead man you have chained up in the basement is my brother in law. Now who the hell is that Ingo you go to work with?" There was another long pause as Emmet fiddled with his pen, it obvious to Y/n that he was contemplating if he should tell them or not. "Like I said he is your brother in law, sort of..."

Y/n's brow furrowed as Emmet set his work down gesturing for them to come inside and sit, "Close the door." he muttered they complied as their Husband got up from his desk and calmly went to the liquor cabinet and began making drinks as he spoke. "It was three months before I met you." Emmet hands them a glass of whiskey as he continued.

Emmet said that it was a horrible event that shouldn't have happened, Emmet and Ingo couldn't sleep so they decided to go for a walk to the Pokémart for a few snacks, when this man suddenly rushed them demanding money, they didn't have their Pokémon with them, Ingo tried to deescalate the situation and without warning the man stabbed Ingo in the stomach!

The man fled as Emmet tried to heal his brother. but, the wound was to severe... Ingo died in Emmet's arms that night. but, Emmet wasn't ready to say goodbye, they were Trevithick brothers, the subway bosses, there was no way Emmet was going to live on this track as one man car!

So he took Ingo's body home without reporting the death to anyone and stored him in his hidden lab until he had the materials necessary for a revival ritual. "I was looking for Silver-bane roots in Pinwheel forest when I found him." Emmet mixed his glass as he explained how he found a person, a man passed out in the forest it looked like he wasn't in a good state, concerned Emmet went to check on him but as Emmet got closer...

He was startled to find the man was wearing a familiar but tattered hat and coat, Emmet's first thought was this was some kind of a hallucination brought on by guilt or a Zoroark playing a cruel joke on him! But it wouldn't go away! So Emmet gathered his wits and turned the man over and was stunned to see his brother...but at the same time it wasn't his brother, Emmet concluded this Ingo wasn't from this world.

Having no other choice, He took this other Ingo home with him and brought him back to full health, at first things were awkward. Here Emmet had this stranger who looked and acted like his brother, meanwhile his actual brother was laying dead and frozen on a slab in his basement!

And of course this Ingo didn't know Spoink-crap about magic, he freaked out when he saw Emmet using magic for the first time to move furniture around and started asking too many questions...

Emmet knew this would cause problems for him in the long run, After all, his Ingo was a well respect mage!; Emmet couldn't have this stranger ruin his plans, So he may have tweaked with other Ingo's memories a little, he temporarily imprinted his mind with his brother's memories. 

"So, until we can figure out where that rattata bastard Volo has disappeared to, outworld Ingo will be acting as my real brother's stand in for the time being." Y/n was silent as they absorbed this whole story, they looked up from their whiskey to look at their husband, Emmet was watching them carefully waiting for some sort of outburst.

But instead they uttered a simple. "I see." before shooting back their dink in one go, much to Emmet's shock as he watched their lips twitch as they struggled to swallow the whiskey but it obviously wasn't to sail. "You were supposed to sip that..." he deadpanned while grabbing the trash can by his desk for them to spit in, while giving them the bottle of water he had on his desk.

When things had settled down Y/n did ask what Emmet was going to do with outworld Ingo, once they've properly revived his brother? a rare frown grace Emmet's lips "I'm not sure, I haven't thought that far ahead yet..." He just knew he had figure who or what brought that Ingo to their world and figure out a way to send him back to his world, But for now Emmet was more focus on tracking down Volo and staying under the authorities radar...

The couple's discussion was cut short by the fire alarm going off, Y/n shot up like a bullet. "Shit! I forgot about dinner!" the two ran out of the office to save the kitchen from burning down.

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