Incorrect Quote dump 24

143 7 2

Sources: me, Seinfeld, it's always sunny, reddit, tumblr, arrested development, what we do in the shadows. buzzfeed unsolved, tokusatu, IT crowd, Frasier, the simpsons, hellsing abridged.]

Feature aus: Necromancer, dragon shifters, roommates, vampires. Wayward Spiral.

Featured OC: Winona (Emmet and Ingo's mom), Carol Trevithick (The twins little sister) and Subway boss 'Alto' (my Ingo and Emmet fusion.)


{Ingo and Y/n are getting ready to leave Jubilife Village for the last time.]

Ingo: Now I'm going to ask you one last time. Y/n, Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything?

Y/n: For last the time, I checked. Everything is counted for!

[Unbeknownst to them, Y/n didn't check thoroughly she left her private sketchbook behind... cut to present day, Y/n is eating breakfast and Ingo is doing the dishes; Emmet walks into the kitchen clearly weirded out.]

Emmet: Why is Ingo on the History channel drawn up like one the French girls?

Ingo: .......What?

[Y/n's stomach was doing backflips as Emmet drags them into the livingroom, sure enough there on the TV is a sketch of Warden Ingo in all his naked glory... A loud awkward silence filled the room, that was soon broken by a dull crack; Ingo snapped the plate he was holding in half, as a scary purple aura surrounds him; Emmet flees in terror, while Y/n starts sweating and sinks deeper into the couch as Ingo towers over her.]

Ingo, To Y/n *eye twitching*: "Everything is counted for." is what you said, but clearly you missed something very important....

Y/n: *sheepish* Erm...Oops?


Emmet, texting E-S/o: Soooo, don't freak out if you see me on the six o'clock news later....

Emmet: Also can I live in your basement?

E-S/o: Why?

Emmet: {Sends a pic of himself grinning nervously, as he stands in front of his house, which seems to have exploded due to the alarming number of Joltiks he's been hoarding; The little yellow bugs are scattered and crawling around everywhere! Ingo is in background sitting on the curb face buried in his hands crying as Y/n comforts him; a few firefighters are also standing off to the side looking completely lost and dumbfounded at the whole situation.}

E-S/o: Holy Arc! you crazy bastard you finally did it...


[Emmet and Ingo are having a an argument about something trivial; Ingo is clearly winning the argument, feeling boxed in Emmet drops this gem.]

Emmet: Oh yeah? Well, You're so ugly, when you were born the doctor took one look at you and slapped your parents!



Ingo: Emmet, we're identical twins.

Emmet, realization: Oh, right.....

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