HC: Working/living On The Invincible II Would Include

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A/n: Here's a first ISWM Headcanon! Also Wug is the best character and nobody can change my mind XD

. Being the captain of the Invincible II you know everyday would be different from the last but working hard with the crew that you saw as one big disfunctional family.
. You were a little different from everyone else seeing as you couldn't talk perhaps from a incident or maybe you weren't born with a voice but nobody in the crew didn't treat you differently and respected you for your dedication and caring nature.
. You and Celci had quite the sibling relationship whenever having days off from the job you two would sit somewhere quiet painting each others nails gossiping/listening to Celci ranting about how annoying Mark was being.
. Celci is quite thankful whenever you have her back especially when she's feeling a little under the weather or acting as a buffer between her and Mark always distracting the head engineer giving Celci the chance to sneak away.
. Head engineer Mark acts like a lost puppy constantly following you around the ship whenever he's not doing/fixing the ship keeping you company.
. Between Mark and the first mate Tyler these two men secretly teaming up having your back in all situations plus always coming in to check on you bringing you food throughout the day.
. Being a captain is a constant 24/7 job leaving you on edge sometimes running up and down the long twisting hallways and the busyness of the job makes you forget to take care of yourself.
. Both men having different ways of trying to get you to slow down and take a break from your duties/get you to eat something.
. Mark would politely ask you if you busy which majority of the time you were leaving the head engineer smiling brightly making sure not to get in the captains way as he gently starts to feed you while you work.
. Being the first mate and having responsibility of looking after the captain, Tyler would absolutely be serious and straight to the point cornering you in the pilots seat or dragging you to the cafeteria where Tyler ends up feeding/stuffing you dehydrated food and space desserts that could feed three people!
. Not arguing or hiding can save you from this as both men simply rebuckle about looking after your health or flat out ignore you in favour of stuffing you, you were pretty sure Celci was also selling you out telling them where you were hiding.
. Everyday three times a day you forced to allow your head engineer and first mate to feed you until you couldn't move due to feeling too full, within just a few weeks of this you started to notice you black sleet captain's spacesuit starting to feel a little tighter clinging to your small pudgy belly.
. At first you felt incredibly embarrassed about your softer body thinking you were no longer in shape of being the captain of the ship or towards such a hardworking wholesome crew that you started to think about stepping down from.
. However the crew was quick to reassure you telling you that a captain doesn't need abs they just need to be a good leader and listener, they were all very body positivity everyone complimenting you in different ways even Mark in his weird way of saying that being round is being in shape causing Celci who looked done and slapped behind his head.
. Most nights you usually leave your bedroom door open in case of emergencies or if anyone in the crew needs some cuddles!
. Being faraway from the people you care about can leave anyone needing a good hug at times and nine out of ten times it's usually Mark that comes in uses your small soft belly as a pillow and fall asleep.
. Very Friday night is game night!
. Usually on game nights the whole crew would gather in the cafeteria playing poker using their electronic currency!
. On of these particular Friday nights seeing the whole crew looking a little stressed you planned out a paintball game night with the whole ship as the battlefield, it was quite the night to remember for you just seeing everyone getting along smiling and having fun.
. Of course the warp core/drive would sometimes malfunction causing the whole reality of the ship to glitch and change leading to some odd/hilarious situations.
. From Mark spending several hours working hard fixing/maintaining one of the engines blissfully unaware of the reality just glitched around him his toned abs slowly started to inflate pushing against his brown spacesuit growing into a round every growing gut, only jumping once his belt burst off and trying to find someone for help struggling to move his body steadily swelling beginning to fill up with helium until his feet lost touch off the metal ground as he floated becoming a huge swollen blimp.
. Or the time your first mate Tyler was spending his break in the cafeteria tapping away on a tablet his skin slowly turned into a deep sapphire blue colour only realising something was wrong when his stomach gave out a ominous gurgle before blueberry juice started to fill him up, it was swift and quick expansion that Tyler didn't have time to get off the bench his swelling sloshing gut pushing him backwards as he rolled backwards landing on the floor becoming a massive round blueberry leaving most of the crew having their fun with him rolling him around for several hours!
. You are lucky to have such a close friendly crew that cares for each other and saw them as a second family, glad that nothing serious went wrong on the journey or anyone sabotaging the ship...

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