Anti x Reader: Blueberry Surprise

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A/n: This is for Septoxxic

You have met the group of septic's by random chance like any other day you worked a job that you neither liked nor hated. That time you had to stay back a couple more hours to finish up some leftover work and once you stepped outside it was already nighttime with the streets mostly deserted with a few occasional cars zooming past, walking down well-lit paths you headed back to your own little apartment but halfway through the journey you bumped into a purple hair pale male who was wearing a thin yellow shirt looking quite lost. Being the kind individual along with unable to leave someone who potentially needed help you introduced yourself to the man learning his name is Robbie and that he was lost, not remembering his address you decided to simply walk in a random direction hoping something would look familiar for the man along the way the two of you started chatting bonding over the share love of cartoons and space.

Along the way you gave up your (f/c) knitted scarf and hat gently wrapping the material around his neck and on top of his head which seemed to made Robbie's day as he clung onto your arm like a koala. Luck was on your side as one of Robbie's friends who happened to be the city's famous superhero Jackieboy man jumped down from on top of the building looking grateful that the zombie was safe and unharmed as he thanked you multiple times, before leaving Robbie gave his phone number to you wanting to keep contact with his new friend and tried to give back the hat and scarf which you insisted he kept.

Not long after that experience that you met the rest of the small group of egos becoming fast friends with all of them and acting some sort of mother hen type. You were always there with a tub of ice cream whenever Jackie had a stressful day out being a hero with his favourite movie playing just for him, gaming and dabbing on the haters (Mostly Anti) with the meme lord Chase and constantly dragging Henrik by the ear away from his work forcing him to relax feeding him, you did notice a strange behaviour coming from Anti from the times you caught him staring at you with a light red hue coating his cheeks or every time he laughed super hard at the terrible jokes you made but you presumed he was just being nice or weird.

Within the septic house everything was calm and peaceful as majority of the egos have left the house with Chase along with Robbie, JJ and Henrik who was forced to leave the confinement of his office to partake in a nerf gun fight. Jackie was doing his typical superhero job patrolling the city keeping order and safety which only left Marvin and Anti inside of the house respectfully doing their own things in their bedrooms.

"Whoa! This is your bedroom Marv? Kinda looks like the typical Witch in the woods house, that's the vibe I'm picking up" You lightly teased once you entered the magician's bedroom for the first time your (E/c) eyes roamed all over the room spotting old wooden bookshelves lined up against one of the walls full of leather-bound books. On the sapphire colour walls painted in a beautiful ominous red glow were strange mystical symbols which you had zero idea what they did and in the centre of the room was a medium size cauldron currently empty.

"Thanks, I'll think? I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a compliment or an insult but I'll take it as a nice thing" Marvin chuckled pushing his white cat mask a bit further up onto his face as he waved his white gloved hand causing the door to his bedroom to close by itself. Walking more into the room you headed for one of the painted glowing symbols on the walls and lightly brushing your fingers against it tracing the elegant curves and flicks of the symbol you felt a pulsating warm wash over you are emitting from the letter.

"You can keep on practicing your magic, Marvin. Just pretend I'm not here but before you do what are these strange letters... Symbols on the wall?" You replied curiously gesturing towards the giant red symbol on the wall turning your head slightly looking over your shoulder staring at the ego.

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