The Extreme super-reactive Soda

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A/n: This is from the voting page and its for Septoxxic

Bing wasn't the one to normally compare himself with anyone else in the manor knowing that everyone is unique and different in their own ways but he couldn't help noticing a huge difference between him and the other android companion. Google wasn't entirely emotionless but always used logic with everything he does while Bing is an emotional android always smiling brightly telling some terrible jokes to always brighten up an egos day and loves to give hugs, Bing knew that his android friend is highly intelligent staying long periods of time in his lab creating things but instead of getting jealous or feeling bad Bing used this as inspiration wanting to see if he was just as smart.

Bing didn't have his own lab in the manor seeing most of the time he was outside recording tricks on his skateboard so he politely snuck into Google's lab whenever his friend wasn't around using all the equipment and chemicals that were laying around. For the past week Bing secretly worked hard on a project just for himself trying his best to improve the carbonation the fizziness of sodas wanting them to stay fizzy for as long as possible, of course while experimenting there has been a few mistakes along the way from the soda suddenly erupting like a volcano orange liquid spewing up into the air and in a panic Bing shoved the can into his mouth causing his moderate chubby paunch to expand from the amount of soda but never once the android gave up.

In the early morning of Saturday where the sun slowly raising over the horizon inching it's way higher above the trees with the birds starting to sing their usual morning song and within the manor that for once fell silence as majority of the egos currently still asleep. Inside of the windowless brightly lit basement half empty chemicals laid randomly over the table along with used equipment neatly pushed to the side, standing in front of the table Bing took off the big round safety goggles placing them somewhere behind him as he stares down at the small orange can with a pure wide excited smile.

"Did I really finish my project? All the effort I put into it is now finished, I might not be smart as Google but I created something which I'm proud of" Bing enthusiastically shouted which the sound didn't escape the lab due to being soundproofed the ego raising his fist in the air in celebration. Grabbing the black tank top he was currently wearing the android mindless pulled the material down feeling it raise up when he raised his arm in the air revealing a few inches of tanned pudgy midsection before gingerly picking up the can which was the size of his palm.

'The only problem is I need someone to try the soda out. I would one hundred percent try my forever carbonate soda but I'll be biased since I made it, Wilford might just say all the positive things about its same thing with Eric and Google doesn't partake in drinking. I need someone who willing to give their honest opinion' Bing thought staring intently at the small can for a few seconds before an idea came to mind as he clicked his fingers and his eyes lit up with pure excitement.

"Eureka! I can simply ask the soul sucking boring Dark to try my amazing soda. He's straight forward with his answers and I know that man loves his soda... Maybe a little too much if you ask me dude.." Bing said mumbling the last part to himself remembering catching the demon secretly chugging down bottle after bottle of fizzy drinks in his office one time like they were water.

Turning around on the spot Bing left the lab in a mess pushing the squeaky metal doors open using his bulging rotund paunch before ascending the baker's dozen steps which would lead straight into the living room of the manor. Twisting the handle pushing the door wide open Bing stepped into the living room finding the spacious room void of life with no egos sitting on the worn-out brown leather couch watching TV, the hissing sound of the coffee machine brewing caught the android's attention as he quietly walked over towards the door-free entryway of the kitchen and poking his head around the corner spotting the demon he was looking for having his back towards him most likely looking and waiting for the coffee machine to be done.

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