The Slime Monster Incident

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A/n: This is for Septoxxic

When the iplier's first banded together to achieve their goal of getting revenge on Mark things didn't exactly go smoothly as anyone would expect. The first few days were very chaotic in the manor many of the egos getting into shouting arguments with one another accusing each other of entering their bedrooms stealing something that belonged to them, to prevent a brawl from breaking out at any moment Dark made a reasonable rule that everyone must follow that no one cannot enter another resident's bedroom without their permission or the very least have the owner be in the room when you enter their room.

Breaking this rule could lead that ego to be punished by who's bedroom they entered. Every Iplier agreed to this rule finding it to be fair and equal with no one being immune to the rule, of course the daily life in the manor still loud and chaotic having different personalities under one roof but it was less arguing and more playful banter and pranks that filled the atmosphere of the building.

The sun shined brightly at the peak of the day casting a warm ray of light over the surrounding forest and the modern Victorian manor. Inside of the building things were oddly peaceful most of the Iplier's headed out for the day doing their own things or simply enjoying the weather somewhere else for a change, this left only three egos occupying the manor with Dark predictably sitting in his small cozy office located on the second floor while Bing and Annus sat in the living room having a very heated quiet discussion between them.

"What do you say Bing? Things in the manor have gotten a little too boring for my liking and we could have a little fun and break the rules without anyone ever knowing" Annus groaned out in frustration starting to lose his patience with the large android. Leaning back on the expensive looking brown couch Annus combed a hand through his black and white hair straightening his white tie that perfectly matched his white suit while staring at the chubby android next to him hunched over his orange skateboard.

"No way dude! If i get caught in Goog's basement he said and I'm quoting him here I turn you into something more useful like a trashcan" Bing replied fighting back a shiver remembering the harsh glare his android friend gave him. Breathing out a heavy exhale through his nose Bing concentrated on the skateboard on his lap holding a small screwdriver in his pudgy hand trying to fix and give it an upgrade.

"To be honest Google wasn't wrong. You would be more helpful as a trashcan or a washing machine" Annus cheekily added letting out a deep chuckle raising his hands up in surrender as the android gave him a semi glare and pointed the tool in his hand right at him although Bing had a small smile on his face indicating he wasn't angry.

"That's not helping your case dude! Fine let's hypothetically say I'll do this reckless stunt of yours just for you to stop bugging my butt about it, what if Goog figures out someone been in his lab? How do we get out of that mess huh?" Bing asked tiredly knowing full well Annus wouldn't leave him alone until he's got what he wanted as the android carefully placed down his skateboard onto the coffee table along with the screwdriver before turning his body around facing the other ego giving him his full attention.

"We pin the blame on Dark easily enough, I think. Google probably wouldn't believe your words alone but if I defend you then it's two against one, are you in Bingo?" Annus simply responded already coming up with this plan days ago in advance raising his eyebrows in question at the other ego wondering if he would join in on some harmless fun. Bing bit his lip weighing out the pros and cons of this in his head and while doing so his hands subconsciously played with his ill-fitting black shirt that barely covered his moderate round gut that sat comfortably on his lap, letting out a heavy defeated exhale the android reluctantly stood up from the couch giving his friend a slight smirk before pulling up his black shorts with orange stripes on the side that rode very low on his hips.

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