An unexpected Results

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A/n: From the voting page and this is for Septoxxic

At the beginning when the septic's formed and started to live together under one roof things weren't exactly smooth sailing with a problem rising in the house making most of the egos on edge constantly. Anti struggled controlling his raging anger that could be set off at any time from the smallest problems like stubbing his toe against the table's leg to accidentally falling out of bed, the demon knew that the others treated him differently making him feel even more angry and isolated from everyone else. When he was alone Anti really did try a few things to help him cope with his anger problem but every attempt failed leaving him feeling like a monster a being that was broken that didn't deserve any love.

The septic's decided to setup a meeting needing to address the issue that has been affecting everyone's day to day life. Anti didn't like the fact that the suppose meeting felt more like an intervention listening to the egos speeches about how worried they were about him and just wanted to help him, at one of the ego's speeches most likely JJ's or Robbie's that something unexpected happen as Anti suddenly broke down glitching rapidly on the spot with tears rolling down his cheeks as he shouted about his secret attempts of trying to keep himself calm and that he knows he's a broken monster.

"You all don't need to shove it in my face th-that I'm a bro-ken monster! I tell myself that every single day I j-just want to be treated equally to be loved b-but that's impossible, no one can love a monster. When no one was around I tried things to he-help me but nothing worked... The only time I truly felt calm is when I was eating"

The raw emotions that the demon was displaying left the rest of the ego's speechless their hearts breaking into million pieces knowing that they made a mistake simply by treating him differently. Robbie was the first one to do anything as he softly wrapped his arms around his crying friend quietly apologising to the demon until Anti cried himself to sleep his head resting on the zombie's shoulder, the rest of the septic's knew they couldn't repeat the same mistake and already they had a plan on helping their friend to feel less angry planning on spoiling Anti with lots of food knowing from his rant that was the only time that the ego felt at peace.

Things begun to change within the septic house after that with the septic's treating the glitchy demon normally inviting him to movie and game nights which Anti learns very quickly that the egos can be quite affectionate surprising him with a squeeze on the shoulder or a simple hug. Truthfully Anti didn't expect anything to change but as the days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months, he was taken aback how much everyone seemingly showered him in lots of food like every morning waking up he would find a plate full of freshly baked cookies made by JJ, every meal the demon watches Chase piles up his plate much higher than the others or Henrik going out of his way making him a nice cool drink of milkshake knowing full well that Anti has quite the sweet tooth.

The septic's combined efforts of being more welcoming and involving Anti in the activities while spoiling him with ever increasing amounts of food worked well as the demon's explosive anger seemingly disappeared altogether. However, Anti quickly noticed the extra food started to take its toll on his slim body watching his abs slowly vanishing under a layer of fat before bulging outwards turning into a moderate doughy ball gut or his hips widening causing him to spend a few extra minutes struggling to get his jeans over his thicker bubble butt but knowing all of this Anti couldn't decline the extra foods and simply hoped that his weight gain wasn't noticeable to the others.

In the early afternoon just gone lunch time in the septic house some quiet deep grunts could be heard emitting from the demon's bedroom which at the time no one heard as majority of the egos had gone out for the day. Inside of the black painted walls of the bedroom Anti stood in the middle of the room his chubby cheeks burning red from exhaustion jumping up and down on the spot repeatedly trying to get his tight black jeans to cover his butt that refused to budge an inch.

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