The Spoiling Of The Lazy Demon

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A/n; Requested by zachtheowl16

A year since the formation of the Ipliers joining together with a common goal of getting revenge against Actor Mark in that one year living under the same roof the egos detected one another's strange and weird habits. From the way Eric would feel extremely nervous having multiple eyes on him as he nervously plays/twists with a handkerchief tightly in his hands, Google muttering the sequence of Pi helping the android to keep focus on his tasks to Wilford simply sucking on a bright pink or yellow lollipop each and every day. On the very first week all the ipliers quickly observed that their tough demon leader acted like a cocky confident boss acting like he was extremely busy but in fact Dark was quite the opposite loving to be lazy all the time kicking his feet up in his office, another habit that the ipliers observed was that the demon loved to show-off how big and manly he was in front of them in the form of out eating all of them during meals.

"I'm the leader in the manor I'll need more food to keep my strength up, look at my strong arms" Dark would constantly say something on the line with the excuse of eating more while smugly flexing his beefy biceps in front of everyone. Every single day for months the iplier's curiously noticed that Dark was quite gluttonous ego easily packing away a whole bucket worth of chicken wings in one sitting or buying two boxes of donuts each containing twenty-four and managing to finish all forty-eight donuts within a single day, Dark always liked to pose telling them he couldn't gain any weight revealing his still flat midsection that didn't even bloated outwards with all the food he ate and it didn't help that the man's laziness grew more with the help of the Jim's that encouraged this behaviour taking up the job of helping feeding Dark.

As the months ticked away the iplier's slowly begun to observe a change on the arrogant demon's body as the man continued to gluttonous eat like a pig from the way his face begun to soften up his jawline finishing in a layer of fat sporting two chubby cheeks along with a small double chin or that the man's pants starting to look even smaller and tighter his small butt plumping bigger enough that it couldn't be covered full exposing his butt crack. Although they noticed these small changes the Iplier's never saw Dark's trim toned stomach getting any rounder thinking that he was working out to stay in shape but that wasn't the case as he never once tried to exercise instead using a corset to hide his growing doughy gut from everyone.

The first signs of morning started to show with the bright orange glow slowly begun to rise above the horizon banishing last night's peaceful darkness birds begun to loudly tweet and sing their usual morning tune. A Light fog covered a few inches of the ground outside creating an artistic beautiful view just outside of the manor standing in front of his bedroom window stood Dark observing the natural beauty while his hands slowly begun to push the buttons on his shirt through the small gaps hiding the white corset that barely closed around his midsection giving him the illusion that he still had abs, a soft knock emitted from the bedroom door causing Dark to turn away from the window his eyes briefly caught the time on the alarm clock which revealed it was 6am before the door creaked open revealing the Jim twins fully dressed one of them carrying a large tray containing a perfectly round cake covered in chocolate with chocolate icing.

"Jim's! What an unexpected surprise. if I had known you two were coming, I would tidy up my room a bit" Dark chuckled looking around his bedroom seeing his bed clearly unmade the duvet tossed on the floor some dirty clothes littered the floor and in the corner which was a desk covered in tons of empty sweet wrappers, Dark had no intention of trying to tidy up his mess always pushing back any jobs he had to do for tomorrow which never came.

"Demon Jim is alright! Demon has been working work he deserves a relaxing break from work" The Jim who pushed open the door said excitedly offering a huge wide smile whenever they hung out with the demon both egos walking further into the bedroom heading straight for the demon. Dark knew that the Jim's were a fan towards the supernatural leading to them being huge fans of him seeing he was a demon loving the attention and spoiling of food from the twins.

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