HC: Dating Chubby Yancy Would Include

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A/n: If anyone has any Headcanon ideas feel free to leave them down below, this is for Septoxxic

. You weren't exactly a bad person just happened to be in a wrong place at the wrong time which caused a domino effect changing your life forever sending you to prison.
. The very first day you arrived at the cell where you learn you be sharing it with a gruff intimidating man with a few tattoos on his neck and biceps, completely oblivious to the rules that were different in prison from the outside world you innocently and sweetly struck up a conversation with Yancy.
. Immediately Yancy knew that you were different from everyone else in prison just from your too caring personality, normally he would just ignore them letting everyone in prison chew and have fun with you but he felt a sudden protective side coming out and took you under his wing.
. Very quickly you learned alot of unspoken rules in the prison as Yancy tells you about keeping your head low and not draw any attention knowing you weren't cruel or harsh like them!
. The gang that Yancy was the leader of welcomed you in with open arms with no questions asked they all becoming a (Y/N) protection squad seeing the gentle side that you have!
. Around others you see a intimidating angry Yancy who always acts tough mainly to survive in prison but alone with no one around Yancy was completely different always making sure you were alright, telling you stories of his past that no one including his gang didn't know and even allowed you to cuddle him at night time to keep you warm and feeling safe!
. During breakfast/lunch/dinner times you were always a little concern about how little you see Yancy was eating even though it was always a normal size portion!
. You weren't mean, harsh or even intimidating like anyone else in prison but thankfully you did have special connections allowing you to have certain things that no one was allowed.
. With those special connections that you have with the warden and other guards you easily managed to get your hands on better foods and snacks but never eating them yourself but instead starting to spoil your cell mate and crush Yancy.
. You were already known within the gang as the mother hen type taking care of them.
. The very first time you fed Yancy yourself was during breakfast taking the usual seat at the table with the man's favourite large pizza, Yancy was amazed that you could get pizza but before he could ask you anything you gently shoved a large slice past his lips into his mouth making him blush at the intimate action.
. Of course his gang took notice of this teasing him and wolf whistling watching with grins as you feed him greasy slices of pizza!
. This didn't just occur in the cafeteria with the feeding as you magically somehow brought snacks in the courtyard that was forbidden to bringing snacks back to the cell.
. Yancy didn't complain about being the main focus of your mother hen tendencies pretending to be bored in front of other but secretly liking the extra attention he received.
. Yancy is very protective over you!
. You tried to hide the bruises a few cuts that littered across your body due to some prisoners finding you weak due to your kind nature, you tried to hide them from Yancy not wanting to worry or get him in trouble!
. When Yancy learned that you were getting beaten up he never felt this erupting anger that just appeared as he disappeared hunting down those who hurt you and teaching them a lesson.
. You hated seeing Yancy getting hurt due to you but never failing to hold his hands wiping away any blood and managing to bandage up his hands with such softness, during one of these moments that you worked up the courage leaning forward and kissing Yancy on the lips.
. At first you didn't feel the man kissing you back thinking he didn't feel the same way you begun to pull away but Yancy quickly snapped out of it pulling you onto his lap and kissed you back!
. That's how you two begun to start dating each other!
. You begun to get even more protective over Yancy increasing his meal sizes and bringing him alot more snacks to keep his strength up.
. Every breakfast/lunch and dinner you refused to let Yancy leave the cafeteria even taking a seat on his lap stuffing/feeding him unhealthy greasy meals that could easily feed two/three people leaving his stomach bloated bulging against his white prison shirt.
. Even in the remote private area of your cell you two had some fun making sure to be quiet and not draw any attention you forced Yancy to chug down alot of water/stuff him completely full to the point his shirt shirt would ride up exposing a bit of his round bloated stomach, being too full to move Yancy would be at the mercy of you as you kiss and suck hickies across his tanned midsection and chest murmuring how strong and handsome he is lightly tracing a few scars!
. Yancy gets very blushing whenever things get a little heated/romantic not used to things like this!
. With your never ending spoiling making sure your boyfriend was well fed and keeping him away from exercising all the time Yancy was a little oblivious to the fact that he was naturally gaining some weight with his wash board abs vanished replaced by a small round pudgy gut that can't be hidden under his tight white shirts, his Pecs having a small layer of fat making them looking a littler broader/fuller and his butt thickening slightly looking like two melons as his strip black/white pants struggled to cover his plump bubble butt!
. None of his gang were happy about their leader getting fat!
. One friend even had the balls to call Yancy unfit and ugly to be the leader of the gang in front of him and you which was a huge mistake!
. Before Yancy could even reply or start a fight for his honor without warning you picked up your metal tray and whacked the person across the face knocking them out cold with a unnerving sweet smile in your face!
. Being in prison no one snitched leaving you free from getting punished!
. No one dared to insult Yancy ever again especially with you around as rumours that you were secretly a badass or a assassin going around the prison as everyone begun to respect you after that point.
. After that disastrous event you pulled Yancy away back to the cell spending the next forty minutes making sure your boyfriend felt handsome taking his clothes off marking his body with hickies and kissing his soft plump belly!

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