HC: First Dates With Chubby Septics (Part 2)

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. You have known Angus for several years due to how similar the jobs the two of you have with the Australian male being a survival hunter/explorer while you are a treasure hunter searching all over the world for lost treasure.
. Many times bumping into each other following the same trails/hints about ancient/lost temples and deciding to stick together.
. Angus is very flirty/loves to show off his survival skills to try to impress you!
. A few things that Angus has done that has saved your life was wrestling a bear that was charging towards you, being snowed in a cave with a small fire and the survival hunter pulling you close to his shirtless upper muscular scarred body to being bitten by a poisonous snake and Angus without thinking just sucks the poison out of the wound.
. In between the dangerous situations to hiking through some harsh environments/landscapes Angus especially loves to make you all flustered/hot under the collar by flexing his steel like biceps in front of you to using some terrible pickup lines that occasionally make you snort.
. Somewhere down the line the two of you begun to develop feelings for one another yet neither you or Angus would admit the mutual feelings due to the situation not being right at the moment.
. Just like usual you and Angus ran into each other apparently searching for the same ancient temple with proclaimed cursed treasure and deciding to teamup seeing that the two of you worked well in the past.. Plus Angus starting to get a little protective over you!
. Late one night sitting in a isolated small cave located deep in a forest with a small campfire lighting up the darkness Angus couldn't help but stare at you watching you jolting down notes on a small notepad along with looking through on a map the survival hunter found your introvert, quiet/sweet personality endearing as he subtlety shuffled closer to you!
. Not being in any form of danger Angus finding the situation perfect he grabbed your attention by taking ahold of your hand drawing you away from the map to stare into the man's honey coloured eyes as he admits his true feelings to you, giving his hands a gentle squeeze you shyly place a kiss on his stubble cheek telling him the feelings mutual making Angus squeeze you against his body a little painfully!
. The survival hunter excitedly explaining the temple you two going to explore tomorrow could be a first date/promising to take you out on a more proper date once the expedition is completed!
. In the early morning the two of you set out trudging through the thick forest occasionally chopping down dense vines that was hanging from the trees while Angus rather gently held your hand while making sure you didn't trip up, eventually coming across a small clearing in the forest which stood a huge abandoned temple covered all over by moss/vines!
. Slowly entering the temple Angus worked on using his machete to chop down any vines that were getting in the way while while you switched on the torch on your phone lighting up the dusty cracked stone hallways, eventually the path splits up in two ways which you two decided to split up covering more ground quickly!
. Going down the left path/walking up a flight of stairs Angus walked for a solid fifteen minutes before coming across a large room which appeared to a throne room of sorts with different arrangements of treasure littered the room from a chest overflowing with gold coins, a golden necklace with a blood red ruby embedded sitting on the throne chair!
. The first thing Angus picked up was a mini statue of a presumed deity which looked like it was made out of emerald and once he touched the statue begun to glow confusing him unaware the object was cursed!
. The object curse begun to change Angus's muscular body starting with his washboard abs that softened up at a rapid pace bulging against his leather brown vest until the buttons flung off exposing his tanned round belly that bounced freely sagging over the waistband of his pants!
. In a panic thinking you wouldn't want to date him Angus used all of his strength to try to push his belly back into shape only feeling his fingers sinking into the expanding soft flesh, while he was trying this the rest of his body fattened up as seams all over his pants split up revealing his thicker tree trunk thighs that forced the survival hunter to take a wider stance while his butt pushed outwards exposing his ill-fitting underwear to the elements!
. Just as his pants ripped to the shreds causing his machete to fall to the ground Angus realises he needed to escape as he begun to take slow heavy steps towards the entrance he came from watching in horror as his hands plumped up giving him sausage like fingers, his face rounded out giving him a double chin that turned into three flabby chins that completely hid his neck!
. His walk quickly turned into a heavy awkward waddle with his huge blubbering belly bouncing violently hitting his knees with every step he took blocking the view of his feet, his wide bingo wings arms became too heavy staying at his sides uselessly and eventually Angus felt himself too bjg/heavy to move falling to the ground landing on his two boulder size butt cheeks as he wobbles on the ground!
. To Angus surprise/horror his body relentlessly continued to grow his plentiful love handles sagging onto the floor, his enormous butt beginning to bump into the table from behind and his huge doughy midsection proudly covered the entirely of his legs and feet leaving him looking like a massive blubberball!
. Unfortunately with the extra weight the floor underneath Angus begun to crack before it gave out making Angus scream as he fell onto the floor below before his body begun to roll down the hallway at a quick pace making him look like a boulder!
. The only thing you managed to find down the path you choose was another entrance/exit point of the temple and while you were slowly making you way back up you could feel the temple shaking!
. Looking up using the phone as light you saw a huge round ball which you thought was a boulder at first coming your way forcing you to turn around sprinting for the exit unaware that Angus is the big blubberball.
. Just in time you made it to the exit literally taking one step outside before leaping to the side as Angus burst down the exit of the temple sending stone/building material flying everywhere as he rolled a few feet away before stopping with his huge butt in the air as he laid ontop of his gigantic gut facing the floor!
. Realising the boulder was indeed Angus you rushed over to his side immediately concern/blushing seeing the state he was in placing a hand on top of his large pudgy moobs you stare into his eyes getting on your tiptoes to lightly kiss him on the lips!
. The first date/exploration didn't exactly go to plan for either of you or Angus but now it gave you a reason to take a long break from being a treasure hunter as you started to roll Angus back to the nearest town/city planning on going on more dates with the round chubby man.

. The very first time you met Henrik was when you started a new job at the hospital as a nurse being shown around by a certain Edward Iplier who warned you that Henrik can look a little grumpy at the beginning but he's friendly once you get to know him.
. At first you didn't even know how to introduce yourself to the German doctor especially since you worked on a different floor/department in the hospital but you observed a particular habit that Henrik has which was you always see him eating something.
. Coming up with a plan just to get to know the doctor you begun to get to the hospital a little earlier than usual bringing a nice warm of coffee and a box of random pastries mostly doughnuts/cupcakes leaving them on Henrik's desk in the office with a little note wishing him a good day.
. You followed through with this plan for year and a half sneaking into his office leaving him some coffee/food along with a small encouraging note before disappearing!
. At first Henrik was a little confused by the constant flow of coffee/pastries coming into his office but shrugged it off enjoying the free food he was receiving.
. Henrik is one hundred percent a stress eater!
. Henrik never turned down the constant flow of sweet sugary pastries that was coming into his office spending the first twenty minutes sitting in his office stuffing his face fully relaxed before the stress of being a doctor gets to him!
. Along with the fact that at the septic house Anti was being the pain in the butt mischievous demon spending many hours around the doctor tying him up on a chair and feeding him a huge pile of random food which was a daily occurrence in the house.
. Even in the early morning just as he waking up Henrik would find the glitchy demon in his bedroom holding a large silver tray with a huge greasy breakfast that the doctor would be forced to eat being fed by a demon!
. Due to your plan on simply trying to brighten up Henrik's day at the hospital along with Anti's new hobby of feeding/stuffing the doctor until he could no longer move from the spot that Henrik easily begun to pack on the pounds!
. At the beginning Henrik was a little bit pudgy but at the end of the year and a half all of his clothes no longer fitted him sporting a large hefty beerbelly that protruded outwards like a yoga ball with his sweater sitting comfortably above his belly button, his pants barely covering his chunky basketball size butt cheeks and even one time Henrik bend down to pickup a pen the seams in the middle of his butt split open!
. Henrik completely in denial about his weight gain!
. The doctor didn't even know that his wardrobe was awkwardly being upgraded by Chase who tried to guess his size and constantly being wrong!
. Henrik begun to look forward to your mysterious/sweet encouraging notes which gave him confidence/energy to continue to be a doctor and even begun to develop a serious crush on you without even seeing you.
. Henrik came to the hospital a little earlier than usual just to see who was delieving the pastries/sweet little notes and that was how the two of you technically met the first time and to your surprise Henrik asked you out on a date!
. After the shift at the hospital Henrik surrpsie you even further taking you out on the date straight away going somewhere simple and relaxing for the first date which was at a cinema!
. Buying a jumbo size bucket of popcorn and a large soda for Henrik the two of you picked a random movie that neither of you two seen before heading towards the back of the theatre!
. Henrik didn't pay any attention to the feeling of squeezing his larger chubbier body in the obvious too small cinema seat as his plentiful plump love handles wedged tightly against the armrests while his large soft belly proudly covered half of his lap!
. Not even ten minutes into the movie Henrik clearly faked a yawn stretching his arms in the air before sneakily draping one of them around your shoulders which you took as an invitation leaning your head onto his chest.
. To Henrik's surprise that you begun to feed him handfuls of popcorn causing a bright red hue to appear on his round chubby cheeks but quietly accepted being fed!
. Due to the size of the amount of popcorn you ended up spending a good hour handfeeding the doctor until everything was gone his already ill-fitting sweater that couldn't cover his midsection rode higher up acting more like a crop top only cornering his soft chest and exposing his big bloated gut to the elements!
. Once the movie was over Henrik tried to getup from the seat but found himself unable to move due to his love handles/wide butt stuck in the seat, before Henrik could question what was happening you came to his rescue grabbing his hands and pulled him free from the chair which took five minutes!
. Standing outside in front of the building the two of you lightly chatted for a few minutes mostly joking/laughing getting to know each other!
. Before leaving you lean forward placing your hands on the side of Henrik's belly before placing a gentle kiss onto his lips, giving him your number and giving him a flirty wink before walking away leaving a shocked yet smiling Henrik behind!
. Being in a good mood/filled with new raging confidence that Henrik didn't fall for the demon's strange hobby of feeding him but instead turning the tables around as he trapped Anti against the couch with his extra weight and begun to feed the glitchy demon returning the favour!
. Henrik very much excited for the next date with you and even more excited just to see you again the next time at the hospital!

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