Anger Inflation

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A/n: This is for Septoxxic

Spending quite a lot of time in prison Yancy develop distrust borderline hatred towards the law along with anyone acting like an authority figure as he doesn't like being bossed around or being given orders. However, Yancy was grateful to be welcomed with open arms at the iplier manor once he was released and served his sentence taking what little possessions with him and having his own room without sharing it with anyone wedged between Bing's and Illinois bedrooms. For the most part Yancy got along with majority of the Iplier's seeing them as a second family from Bing and Eric teaching him his way around technology wanting him to be their new gaming buddy, bonding with Illinois by sharing funny stories of their adventures/time behind bars even managing to grow close to the seemingly emotionless Google learning about all the things he missed while he was locked away but there was one ego that just made his blood boil which is Dark.

"You must let someone know where you going to if you leave the manor. If your plans change heading to somewhere else you must let someone know immediately, this is the only rule I have setup and it's non-negotiable."

That was the first thing Dark talked with the ex-criminal when he first stepped inside of the manor and straight away it rubbed Yancy the wrong way making him feel like he was back in prison all over again. Ever since then Yancy held a small increasing bubble of rage against the demon especially when he noticed the ego rarely shows up at game/movie nights making the now free ego think that the demon was a snob, Yancy refused to follow the only rule in the manor never telling anyone where he would be heading leading to constant shouting matches between him and Dark ending with doors slamming or fists banging against the table and in these heated moments Yancy could only see the ego as a controlling slightly arrogant stuck up man never seeing the hidden worry in the ego's black eyes or never knowing whenever he didn't let anyone know he was made Dark pace anxiously in his office or bedroom.

Yancy never questioned why the rule existed in the first place or no one told him the incident that happened to cause the rule to setup in place for their safety.

Dark stormy clouds gathered in the usual bright sunny skies of California heavy downpour of rain pelted harshly against the windows of the manor and the wind greatly picked up speed causing the many tall trees around the building to sway violently. Due to the terrible weather happening outside all the iplier's decidedly stayed inside not wanting to venture outside potentially risking their lives, most of the egos used this free day to have fun with one another majority of the egos sitting in the dining room gathered around the table playing a few board games along with having playing some music out loud to drown out the constant shouting happening upstairs.

"My Jim senses are tingling about a potential story going on with demon Jim and ex-criminal Jim. However, we must be careful Jim and stay hidden" The older Jim spoke quietly into his microphone giving his younger twin brother a nervous look into the camera. Both egos strangely crabbed walked down the red carpeted hallway doing their best to avoid any creaky floorboards making their way to the sound of the shouting match that emitted from behind the closed black door of Dark's office.


A loud thud came from the other side of the door enough that cracks could be seen appearing on the outside of the wooden door and thinking they might've been found out the Jim's scurried away back down the hallway not caring about being quiet anymore. Inside of the spacious immaculate well-lit office Yancy stood at the door a fist planted harshly against the cracked wood his cheeks coated in a light red hue from the boiling rage he held against the demon behind the desk who appeared calm and collected on the outside which only pissed Yancy off even more.

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