Blueberry Train Ride (Chubby JJ x Male Reader)

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A/n: This is for P4ttka

Ever since appearing in the septic house JJ is close to the other egos but the one person that he can utterly trust without hesitation is you. Since he was from the past JJ has missed a lot of things that have greatly changed and improved with time he was a little embarrassed to ask any of the egos with help to use a smartphone or what certain slangs meant but with you he never felt humiliated as you happily helped him and answer his questions with a sweet caring smile directed at him that made butterflies flutter in his stomach, you never judged or made fun of him whenever he asked you something helping him to get used to using all new technology frequently brushing hands making each other blush to always complimenting the mute man's dapper appearance that never failed to give him a small confident boost with a deep red hue coating his chubby cheeks.

Down the line both you and JJ started to develop romantic feelings for one another yet neither you or him spoke up about the unspoken feelings with you being a little shy and unsure on how the ego would take it while JJ was struggling to come to terms with his own sexuality never liking the same gender before. However, the close strong friendship between the two of you never wavered due to this new revelation in fact the bond you and JJ shared grew stronger by the day more than happy simply spending time with one another and simply admiring each other whenever the other person was distracted or busy with something.

The orange Fiery sun started to descent from the clear blue sky indicating it was late in the afternoon borderline close to the evening with you and JJ spending the whole morning and the early afternoon travelling around London. The small day trip was spontaneous completely random giving you the reason to spoil the chubby dapper man which you happily did buying him quite a few things he was eyeing in the shops and at lunch taking him to an old timey diner making the ego go on a signing rant about his past, stepping inside of the train you led the way down the red carpeted hallway keeping one hand tightly gripping on the strap of your (F/c) messenger bag looking for the first empty seats you could find.

"Never again we going to London. How did we even manage to get back here on time when we spend most of the time getting lost?" You wondered aloud letting out a content sigh taking the first seat next to the aisle on the ugly blue and purple square pattern seat placing your bag in the middle seat next to you.

"Don't drag me with you chap! You were the one that was lost I knew where we are from the beginning, I'll used the map on my phone" JJ playfully signed back his smile turning into a playful grin seeing the utterly shock open mouth expression appearing on your face putting down his two bags containing random gifts that you brought for him next to his seat.

Opening and closing your mouth repeatedly trying to come up with a witty response that never happened you remained silent raising one eyebrow as your (E/c) eyes observed the chubby man in front of you struggling to squeeze himself in the seat. A light red hue slowly appeared on your cheeks noticing whenever JJ wiggled his hips side to side his moderate doughy beerbelly would bounce under his ill-fitting blue vest, eventually after twenty seconds of struggling JJ managed to sit down in the seat not without the sides of his paunch lightly brushing against the armrests.

"You okay Jamie?" You asked softly barely able to hide the amused tone in your voice while pulling your eyes away from your crush's midsection not wanting to getting caught staring at him.

"These goddamn seats (Y/n)! How are people supposed to sit in them when they are clearly too small for anyone" JJ furiously complained his hands vigorously signing which you barely able to translate taking a minute to fully understand what the ego just signed to you. A soft chuckle leaving your lips finding the usually sweet gentleman dapper ego getting a little worked up over a seat was an adorable sight that you never knew you needed to see.

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now