A different kind of reaction

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Dinner time has always been a little chaotic within the Iplier manor seeing that they were a huge group of them constantly arguing about for a good forty minutes with Bing proclaiming pineapple pizza on a daily basis, Eric shyly whispering different foods every day from sushi to burgers always trying to diffuse the rising tension. This continued for a few weeks until Wilford was the one to stop everything simply by placing his gun on the table stopping all conversations flowing through the room and coming up with a wonderful Warfstache idea with a dinner rotation, every day for dinner one of the egos would be in charge of choosing the dinner and setting things up. Surprisingly things calmed down for the Ipliers around dinner time everyone arguing much less seeing the rotation plan was fair giving everyone a turn at some point, however there was one clear rule that was only spoken once but no one dared to break it which was Dark never to drink milk which confused majority of the egos but pushed it to the side thinking it was the demon's preference just not liking milk.

There was one ego who loved the colour pink named his gun 'his little friend' and constantly being seen sucking a lollipop felt determined to break the demon's weird preference over milk not knowing the true reason Dark doesn't drink it.

It was a cool Friday evening the temperature slowly dropping outside with the orange ball of sun slowly descending over the horizon leaving behind a breath-taking streak of red and orange in the blue sky. A golden chandelier hung up on the ceiling in the middle of the dining room lighting up the whole space revealing a turquoise painted wall a few framed photos neatly placed on the walls showing random little events in the ego's lives from one having Dark dressed up as a horse being the animal's upper half looking unimpressed as Wilford was the bottom half having the time of his life admiring the demon's butt, another showed Eric holding his degree smiling widely completing university. A low calming chatter filled the atmosphere several empty pizza boxes littered the long wooden table many of the iplier's simply stayed at the table engrossed in their conversations with Bing wildly moving his arms in the air talking about his skateboarding tricks and memes with one confused Google who had no idea what a single word meant coming out of the other android's mouth not knowing what a meme was, at the other end Dark leaned back in his chair holding a glass of red wine taking a long sip looking around the room feeling content with his life that he managed to find a second family.

"Come on Darkie! It's just a glass of milk" Wilford pleaded sitting on the demon's right spending the last ten minutes flirting and buttering up the demon while he held tightly onto the man's arm trying to persuade him. Chuckling under his breath Dark decided to mess with Wilford simply by ignoring him placing his glass down and looked to his left listening to Eric babble excitedly about some kind of card game and video game just seeing the ego he sees as a son not stuttering made Dark feel proud.

"What's the game called again? Pixelmon? Pixiemon?" Dark asked forgetting the name of the game trying his best to take interest in the ego's hobbies and once he finished the whole room fell silent multiple pair of eyes staring at him while Eric had a pure look of surprise and shock on his face mouth hanging open like someone peed in his cereal.

"Prince Dark! I believe you meant to say Pokémon and using Bing's strange words you are a boomer" King broke the silence causing majority of the Iplier's to break out into fits of laughter especially Bing and the Jim twins who fell out of their chairs wheezing and calling the demon a boomer, Dark looked around utterly befuddled but couldn't help the slight red tint appearing on his pale cheeks.

"I haven't shown you, my cards?! S-stay right here D-ad... I mean Mister Dark" Eric accidentally called the demon his dad quickly changing it not wanting to upset him as he pushed away from the table sprinting out of the room his footsteps fading as he headed upstairs. Feeling his arm being squeezed Dark looked away from the entrance glancing over towards his pink hair friend watching him trailing his fingers up along his biceps his moustache wiggling slightly.

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