HC:First Dates With Chubby Ipliers (Part 2)

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. You were the closest and only neighbour to the Manor only a short fifteen minutes walk away through the forest living in a small cosy cottage taking care of your flowers and enjoying the peace.
. The first time you met the demon was when Dark was taking a peaceful stroll through the forest away from the chaotic Manor accidentally stumbling across the little cottage with you sitting outside enjoying the sun.
. Being the kind hearted individual you waved over the male inviting him to join you for a small break which he took although a little confused/take aback that you just trust him, you offered him a drink of tea/cool glass of lemonade along with a plate of dozen colourful cupcakes as the two of you talked!
. Dark has quite the secret sweet tooth!
. While talking/striking up a conversation Dark happily dug into the plate of cupcakes munching away letting out muffled moans getting icing coated on his lips as he finished all the cupcakes within five minutes.
. The two of you bonding over the love of books/movies going into detail about certain movies leaving out certain things from books and even manage to make Dark chuckle at how worked up/passionate you gotten!
. After that Dark came over at your cottage everyday or every two days enjoying your company and easily finding himself relaxing around you very easy!
. Everytime you would always offer him a drink and something sugary from a pan full of brownies to a whole chocolate cake cut evenly in pieces that the demon would excitedly devour stuffing his face while finding new topics to talk about!
. Learning where Dark lived you even begun to visit the man at the Manor bringing with you some freshly baked pastries, the rest of the ipliers hiding on top of the stairs looking down into the living room seeing how close the two of you were getting with Dark having a arm around your shoulders while steadily eating away and even laughing at a few stories you told that surprised the egos!
. This carried on for a good couple of months the two of you growing closer by the day while the ego accepted everything/anything you brought over leading to the once muscular demon to gain some weight as his lean abs softened up into a moderate basketball size beerbelly that bulged against his jacket, spending a few extra minutes struggling to get his tighter pants to cover his wider chunkier butt and even his face filled out slightly giving him two chubby cheeks and a tiny double chin whenever he looked down!
. Dark only realised he begun to develop romantic feelings towards you when he was a little sick and bedridden unable to visit you but to his surprise you came over worried about him as you stayed by his side for a few hours everyday feeding him some soup and helped him to get up from bed to the toilet!
. After his recovery Dark would seek out the advice of a few egos which he quickly regrets as both Wilford/Bing tells him to ask you out while he's naked but thankfully Eric is here to save the day saying to get either a box of chocolates or a few flowers before asking you out!
. Never ask Wilford or Bing for advice again!
. Following the shy egos advice Dark decidedly get a few different flowers putting them together before heading to your cottage his palms sweating and his legs feeling weak from being nervous!
. To your surprise you saw a very different side of the demon seeing him getting a little flustered a blush coating his cheeks as he slightly stumbles over his words before giving you the flowers finding the right words and asking you out which you happily agreed giving a light kiss onto the man's chubby cheek!
. Dark was so relieved and happy that once he gotten back to the Manor he straight away fainted collapsing ontop of the Jim twins trapping them underneath him.
. As the day of the date arrives you arrived at the Manor to find hundreds of rose petals scattered all over the floor leading from the front door around the side of the building, following the trail you arrive at the back garden where a candle lit table sat out in the open under the evening sky!
. Instead of usually wearing a black suit Dark stood in front of the table wearing a pristine white suit that looked a few sizes too small on his chubby body outlining his plump curves.
. Dark being a perfect gentleman!
. Once he sees you he would get very blushy complimenting you endlessly as he pulls out a chair for you!
. For the next ten-fifteen minutes the two of you would happily talk about random things that happened on that day while enjoying the sun slowly setting across the horizon as the sky slowly gets darker by the second.
. Eventually Wilford would come out acting as a waiter mainly wanting to embarrass his best friend as he serves up a whole three course meal for the two of you which the pink hair male would feed the first course meal to Dark in front of you making the demon blush!
. Laughing at the scene knowing that the two men are good friends even thou Dark always tries to deny it as you joke/talk to both men while enjoying the first meal!
. Learning more about Dark especially that he acts like a gluttonous demon whenever anything sweet is around especially chocolate related foods!
. During the second/main dish Dark would feel the white jacket harshly pinching around his rotund bloated midsection secretly unbuttoned his jacket to have a bit more room unknowingly showing off his ill-fitting black button up shirt with gaps in between the buttons revealing bits of pudgy flesh!
. At some point through the second meal while the stars started to shine in the sky you moved around the table placing your chair next to Dark preferring to sit next to the demon instead of on the opposite site listening to the male explaining a few embarrassing stories that happened in the Manor!
. The last meal arrives which happened to be a huge bowl full of strawberries coated in cream/chocolate syrup that made the demon lick his lips but tried to stop himself from eating not wanting to appear rude or embarrass himself knowing his suit was on the smaller/tighter side!
. Seeing the man looking hungry/a little embarrassed you gave him a encouraging kiss on the chubby cheek before picking up the large bowl beginning to handfeed your date the strawberries!
. Dark was taken aback from the action but slowly relaxes in the chair letting out quiet hums of appreciation forgetting about his worries as he enjoys being fed by you!
. Not even halfway through the bowl that Dark forced to let out a loud belch in his fist causing one of the buttons on his shirt nearest to his belly button to pop off loudly making the man's entire face look like a tomato!
. You simply complimented Dark calling him a handsome man while stealing a kiss on his cream/chocolate covered plump lips as you lightly pat and stroke his belly before continuing to feed the rest of the strawberries!
. Afterwards the two of you simply sat in the chairs making light conversation while staring up at the night sky watching the stars twinkle you couldn't help but admire the chubby demon in the limited light excited for the second date with Dark!
. On the second floor of the Manor all the ipliers could be seen looking through the windows staring down at you and Dark all of them happy to see their leader looking more relaxed/happier and most importantly the ipliers couldn't wait to embarrass Dark in front of you!

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now