Marvin x Tiny Reader

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A/n: This is for P4ttka

Your memories were hazy at best or the very least non-existent when you woke up in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by a group of gigantic men who looked quite similar with a few differences being their hair colour or the way they dressed. Apparently, you just magically appeared on their coffee table unconscious along with the fact you are extremely tiny which was a little odd but as the egos tried to ask questions about yourself that another problem became clear that you couldn't remember anything about yourself before all of this except for your name.


That's what the German doctor called it anyway seeing no other plausible explanation behind this. Before thinking about leaving the septic house you were surprised to hear that majority of the egos wanted you to stay with them to help you recover your memories or at least keep you safe from the outside world due to you being tall as their middle finger, no other choice you agreed to stay with them that you would not regret. It's been about a month since you arrived at the septic house in that short amount of time you have become good friends with all of them except for Anti who is a socially awkward demon that mostly avoided you but apart from that the septic's felt like a family.

Early one morning with the sun barely peaking over the foggy horizon tranquillity and silence filled the atmosphere of the septic house due to majority of the egos still being asleep or staying in their bedrooms. In the kitchen you comfortably sat on the edge of the counter with your legs dangling off swaying back and forth lightly kicking your tiny, socked feet while next to you was a large round chocolate chip cookie that is roughly the same size as you with a large piece of cookie broke off from it sitting in the palm of your hands.

'Why can't I remember anything? Did something bad happen? Do I have a family or friends out of this house?' Questions rapidly flew through your mind narrowing your eyes at the small piece of cookie in your hands trying to imagine if you had a life before finding yourself small with no memories of anything.

"Guess I just gotta wait to see if my memories return or not. Could be worse at least I'm with a bunch of goofballs that allowing me to stay with them" You quietly muttered taking a small bite out of the cookie letting out a small satisfying moan tasting the rich chocolate. You looked around the kitchen seeing everything from the black fridge on the opposite side to the cat themed coffee machine and even the salt and pepper pots that were bigger than you making you feel small as an ant, a small smile appeared on your face remembering the egos trying to help you make things easier for you from building a small staircase for you to get up onto the counter or frequently someone would gently pick you up and carry you where you wanted to go.

"You better not be calling me a goofball little pal. If you did you won't be getting any tiny, delicious pancakes from me" The sudden voice that belonged to Chase Brody spoke up from the entryway making you let out a mouse like squeak as you dropped the fun-size cookie. A slight pout formed on your face watching the crumb falling from the massive height into the kitchen canyon, pulling your eyes away you grabbed another small crumb of cookie before looking over your shoulder spotting Chase leaning against the doorway arms crossed over his chest with his familiar hat lazily sat on his head.

"I would never ever call you a goofball Chase... I- I was calling Jackie that. Yes! Just Jackie, he showed me a new move saying it was too dangerous to use" You stuttered out barely managing to get the half-lie out unable to look into the man's ocean blue eyes stuffing the small crumb of cookie into the mouth as your mind flashed back to when Jackie showed you a unique move that supposed to make any criminals cringe so bad that they turn themselves in.

"Yeah, lil pal? Why do I have the feeling you lying to me? Show me the move that Jackie shown you and I believe you" Chase challenged you recognising the obvious clear signs that you were lying seeing as you wouldn't look at him at all the ego slowly moved away from the entranceway standing in front of the counter staring down at you with one eyebrow raised.

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