HC: Chubby Septics With A S/O Around Christmas Would Include

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. Anti wasn't exactly fond of Christmas mostly due to the fact it was absolutely freezing outside along with hearing deafening Christmas music everywhere he went!
. But he will tolerate/celebrate the holiday knowing his partner loves Christmas and overall wanting to see you smile and happy!
. Knowing that your grumpy chubby demon doesn't like Christmas every morning you would sneak out of bed/out of his arms to cook up a hefty hearty greasy breakfast, each morning Anti waking up to the feeling of you sitting on his lap in bed with a large tray of food before slowly/romantically starting to feed him!
. Anti secretly loves being fed/having you rubbing his big doughy belly making him feel loved/attractive and while feeding him breakfast you always plant loving kisses across his dome hairy paunch and teasingly sucking hickies all over his chubby moobs!
. Anti reluctantly partaking in any holiday themed activies especially when you beg/give him the puppy look knowing that he can't say no to you!
. Anti absolutely hates ice-skating with every fibre of his life!
. The glitchy demon cannot balance at all as he frequently trips/fall into the hard icy floor landing on his wide chunky butt making him curse loudly and everytime trying to stand back up puts too much pressure on his ill-fitting jeans causing the seams to split open revealing his underwear for everyone to see!
. You laugh everytime this happens causing Anti to glitch/teleport to you dragging you to the floor with you laying on top of his soft body with a cheeky grin on his chubby face as he steals a few passionate kisses/playfully squeezes your butt!
. Anti loves being your taste tester never failing to try out all the pastries you baked up!
. Whenever you start baking Anti either sits on the counter kicking his feet and bugging you every few minutes asking when the pastries would be done or he would stealthily sneak up behind you wrapping his thick arms around your waist with his protruding beer belly pushing against your back as he nuzzles/kisses your neck silently watching you!
. Spending a good hour or two in the kitchen lovingly handfeeding different handmade pastries stuffing handfuls of chocolate chip cookies into the demons mouth/cramming thick slices of cake causing icing to smear on the man's lips all the while waiting his snug black shirt slowly riding up exposing his bloated growing hefty gut that takes up more space on his lap!
. Every year the Septics do secret year much to Anti's misery picking out a name out of a hat and trying to get that person at least one present!
. This year Anti pulled out Robbie's name!
. Immediately the chubby demon went to you for help wanting to get a perfect present for the zombie seeing as Anti has a soft spot for him, wrapping Anti up in a thick coat that barely fitted him as each small breath caused the zipper to creak loudly the two of you went shopping!
. Anti really hates crowds and many times he growled at anyone who accidentally bumped into him in shops and nearly summoned his knife to threaten them but thankfully you gently held his hand offering a kiss on his cheek that never fails to calm him down!
. You knew that you and Anti had to pick one present but in your pure excitement you might've went overboard picking out lots of gifts that the zombie would love from soft blankets/teddy bears, a expensive sketch book with pencils knowing Robbie loves to draw and a few of the egos favourite snacks!
. Anti absolutely hates everything about shopping!
. Knowing this fact about your chubby demon you always made sure to buy him snacks from the shops which brightens him up as he wolfs them down causing the zipper to burst off loudly in public making him blush in embarrassment but you more than happy to sneak a hand under his shirt rubbing his bouncing belly!
. No cheesy Christmas movies throughout the month of December!!
. Instead watching quite a few horror movies cuddling with Anti on the couch hiding your face against his chest as he wraps his arms around you protectively!!
. One time you managed to persuade your grumpy boyfriend to wear a very snug Santa costume without the white beard which amplified how much softer/larger the ego has grown due to you, the thin cheap black belt wrapped around his waist under his gut making it look even bigger with the red/golden buttons on the red fluffy jacket straining creating small diamond gaps and the red pants looked incredibly tight unable to cover the demons wide beach ball butt cheeks showing off his butt crack.
. The Septics had alot of fun playfully teasing the much bigger fatter demon seeing him in the santa costume from Jackie slapping Anti's chunky butt causing the owner to yelp/Henrik pulling out a measuring tape to measure the demon's growth leaving Anti red-faced/Chase openly shaking/squeezing his large stomach in front of everyone making the glitchy demon to belch loudly!
. The Septics definitely teased him alot but they are very happy to see Anti looking more relaxed/openly smiling more with you in his life!
. At some point you quietly told the innocent sweet zombie that Anti was indeed the real santa and to be on the good list that people need to feed Santa alot of cookies/milk!
. Robbie believed in this staring at his big demon brother in awe/adoration as he quietly went to the kitchen pulling out all the cookies and a large pint of milk before coming back heading straight for the Chubby demon!
. Anti has zero time to do/say anything before Robbie excitedly starts to push handfuls of cookies into his mouth declaring he wanted to be on the good list, knowing you were behind this Anti glares at you all the while allowing the zombie to feed him!
. The zombie doesn't stop at all letting out awe filled gurgles/softly complimenting the chubby ego as Anti let's out quiet moans/groans as the black belt bursts off around his waist wobbling violently/the buttons on the fluffy red jacket pops off one by one as his tubby belly and soft moobs bounce freely!

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