Winter Oneshot: Snowman building competition

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A week before Christmas the Septic's woke up to a blinding white hail of snow falling from the cloudy sky already creating several feet of snow on the ground with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Even thou it was morning the lights in the living room switched on due to the darkened dull weather every inch of the inside of the house was covered in Christmas decorations from stickers of gingerbread men to Santa Claus plastered on the ego's bedroom doors to a massive tree sitting in the corner of the living room the lights swirling around it flashing slowly, majority of the egos were located in the living room doing their own things all except for Henrik who was in the kitchen cursing up a storm as he tried to get the coffee machine to work not knowing that it switched off from the plug.

Robbie and JJ sat near the window pressing their faces against the glass until their noses brushed against the cold surface excitedly bouncing in their seat. In the corner stood Jackie and Marvin fiddling with the ordainments hanging from the Christmas tree silently whispering about something with a playful twinkle shining in their eyes planning something while occasionally stealing a kiss from one another, Chase stood in front of the couch his hat twisted to the side with a mixture of a serious and happy expression on his face as he held a plate stacked full of cookies shaped in Christmas themed decorated in different colour icing staring down at the demon who refused to make eye contact a slight red hue coated his slightly chubby cheeks as he fiddled with the hole in his jeans feeling like he been caught doing something bad.

"I'm not taking a no from you dude! You are a growing demon and need to eat" Chase playfully lowered his hand holding the plate until he knew the demon could see it and bit back a chuckle seeing Anti's tongue hungrily poking out from between his lips showing he indeed wanted them. After the whole ordeal with the demon trying to kill them the Septic's moved past this surprised to see that Anti was just putting up a front a bad guy image as he acted quieter and shyer around them leaving the egos to feel protective over the now stuttering blushing demon.

"I-I'm not h-hun-hungry Da-Chase" Anti stuttered slightly managing to correct himself before nearly calling Chase dad seeing as the past few months he secretly thought of the ego as a father figure helping him work through his emotions and having late night gaming sessions. The demon could feel the tips of his ears burning hotly hearing the words 'growing demon' his green eyes glancing down towards his midsection where his once lean four packed abs replaced by a moderate pudgy belly that bulged against his snug black shirt enough that the outline of his belly button could be seen through the material.

"Antonio, Anti, the glitchy dude that keeps this dysfunctional family together I know you can never turn down anything sweet. We all have a big sweet tooth in this house dude" Chase sat down next to the shorter glitchy ego making the couch dip slightly placing the plate on his lap waiting for the other male to look at him. After a few seconds Anti shyly turned his head looking up slightly just in time to see a blurry hand holding two round cookies that was decorated to look like round Santa's move forward shoving past his lips, a little taken aback by the action Anti couldn't think of anything to say mindlessly chewing the cookies unable to hide the small hum of enjoyment as he ate the two cookies.

'Chase isn't going to feed me the whole plate of cookies in front of everyone.. Is he?' Anti thought staring straight ahead at the kind welcoming ego who had nothing but a warm friendly smile that the demon didn't want to disappoint him. Reluctantly Anti opened his mouth letting Chase to grab another two cookies from the pile easily placing them into the demon's mouth, slowly relaxing on the couch leaning back Anti temporarily forget any worries about being fed in front of anyone else happily accepting them two at a time while listening to his father figure muttering encouraging sweet praises to him.

"Keep going dude! You were so skinny before but now you looking happier"

"You need to keep on eating Anti! To keep your strength up"

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now