HC: First Dates With Chubby Septics (Part 1)

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A/n: Again I'll only did two egos since I got a little carried away here but I'll hope you all enjoyed this :D

. The first time Anti has met you was through his creator seeing as you and Sean were good friends but seeing that you two lived in different countries that you used discord/video calls to interact.
. You know the existence of Sean's alter egos so it wasn't a surprise when during one of these video chats that Anti suddenly appeared behind Sean planning on jumpscaring him but stopped once he sees you, Anti unusually felt butterflies fluttering in the pits of his stomach just from staring at you but snapped out of his daze seeing you silently excouraging him to continue to scare Sean!
. After that day Anti might have looked through his creator's phone getting your contact details just to talk to you more through phone calls or video calls.
. The two of you having quite a bit in common!
. Anti learning that you are a prankster just like him making him very excited about any future pranks that you could help him pull on Sean/the other egos from turning Jackie's red costume into a bright pink colour, surprising Sean by giving him a unexpected wedgie etc!
. Anti would not like to admit it but he does think he's a monster due to the rough start he had with the septics and may have confided with you about this which you comfort him telling him he's not a monster along with the fact that you only known him as a mischievous, a little grumpy yet funny demon!
. A few months of these video calls with Anti secretly falling for you smiling whenever he hears you laugh/blushing when you compliment him that one day the glitchy demon worked up the courage to ask you out!
. To the relief of the glitchy demon you agreed also mentioning that you would be visiting him soon and would be able to go on a date making Anti excited yet a little nervous.
. Anti secretly being a nervous wreck as he plans out the first date while asking the other egos for advice!
. Of course the septics lightly tease the demon never seeing him nervous before but happily offering him advice from JJ saying get something that you would like, Chase/Jackie instructing the demon to use terrible pickup lines/jokes to Make you laugh!
. On the day of the date Anti was a little nervous waiting for you to come over to the house where the demon planned on taking you to the cin9, seeing the usually confident demon nervous the egos decided to distract him with Marvin showing off his magic.
. However one of Marvin's spells accidentally hits the demon causing his green hair/eyes to shift into a more blue/violet colour that moved across his pale skin, the septics remain silent staring at the demo who frantically tries to rub away the odd colour not wanting you to see him.
. Unlucky for the glitchy demon who was rooted on the spot in the middle of the living room both Sean and you walked through the front door but paused at the entrance of the room.
. You were taken aback finally seeing Anti in person for the first time who looked more blue then you remember but that wasn't the end of the spell as the demon's toned stomach let out a loud gurgling sound before steadily started to swell up with blueberry juice making a obvious growing bump under his black shirt.
. The other egos weren't helpful playfully teasing the blue swelling demon who struggled to push his rounding gut back in that begun to poke out underneath his shirt or the feeling of his pants getting tighter as his thighs and butt thickened from the juices.
. You didn't know what happened exactly but you stepped towards your blue date sneaking your hands under his ill-fitting shirt before rubbing soothing circles across the demons body offering comforting/reassuring words as you watch the demon bursting out of his clothes!
. Anti couldn't help but let out soft moans from you touching his body as he helplessly swells larger his face plumping up giving him two swollen cheeks as his arms/legs get absorbed into his spherical body, eventually the inflation stops as Anti's blue hair lightly brushes against the ceiling leaving him in a skintight underwear!
. Instead of going to the cinema for the first date you stayed at the septic house refusing to leave the blueberry demon's side frequently rubbing all over his body and kissing every inch of his body which never failed to make Anti moan/blush.
. Anti stayed as a massive round blueberry for four days which he could tell that you never left his side which made him feel pretty lucky to have met you and due to being a blueberry for a while it caused the ego to gain quite alot of weight afterwards, his once lean midsection replaced by a large doughy hairy gut that covered half of his lap, two small pudgy moobs sat on top of his stomach along with sporting a double chin!
. You thought Anti has gotten even more adorable tackling him to the ground sucking hickies all over his upper body turning the demon into a moaning blushing mess!
. You didn't care that the first date was spent sitting next to a blueberry Anti for a few days you just cared about spending time with the demon!

. JJ knew all about how protective and sometimes oddly weird the other egos in the house gets when it comes to each other from constant post it notes being left all around the house as a way of communication whenever the egos get a little too busy, frequently Chase dragging Henrik away from his work literally tying him onto a chair and feeding the doctor making sure he eats etc!
. It's no different when it comes to JJ in fact the septics get a little more protective over him due to him being mute and wanting to make sure he's happy/making sure he's taken care of
. Every single ego in the house collectively joining together making sure the mute shy ego is well fed and eating enough.
. Every breakfast Chase would cook a hefty huge pile of pancakes/waffles/full on English breakfast just for JJ and many times when he felt too full to eat anymore Chase would swoop in commenting how tiny he is before feeding the remaining food on the plate to the ego!
. In between meals Robbie or Henrik would constantly visit JJ giving him some random snacks with the zombie sitting on the mute egos lap ending up with feeding him for the next ten to fifteen minutes.
. Anti would have a little more fun seeing as he was known as a mischievous/prankster ego within the group frequently ambushing the silent ego either from behind or somehow typing him up onto a chair before forcing JJ to chug down a few large bottles of soda or wine!
. Due to this frequent occurrence happening everyday for months on end it begun to cause JJ's small pudgy waistline to expand greatly over the next few/several months with plentiful love handles forming over the waistband of his pants, his once pudgy belly turned into a rotund basketball size beerbelly that bounced/tested the limits of his blue vest buttons!
. However one day Chase came tumbling into JJ's bedroom scaring the poor mute ego making him drop his knitting needles as he listens to the excited dad ego telling him he setup a blind date which would be starting in a few hours.
. JJ was a little nervous about the blind date knowing from past experience which that he couldn't talk always made past dates awkward and never going beyond the first date as many people just ghosted him.
. Sitting in a fancy restaurant JJ nervously tapped his foot on the ground as he brought a single red rose for his date and once his brown eyes looked up locking eyes on you that you stood in front of him that JJ couldn't help but blush!
. Wearing a simple (F/c) dress/suit you happily introduce yourself to the Chubby male in sign language which you saw surprise flicker in his eyes before JJ nervously/excitedly greeted you standing up and being a gentleman pulling the chair open for you!
. Straight away there was a connection between you and JJ bonding/getting closer with talking about baking/sharing embarrassing stories about roommates.
. JJ quickly learning that you are a very flirty/compliment type of person as you gushed about his bowtie saying he was very cute!
. Normally JJ would never have to eat a three course meal but seeing he was in a fancy restaurant along with the fact he was enjoying the date with you he was a little oblivious to how much he was eating, easily eating the Appetizer and the main dish without any problem at all.
. Once he finished the main dish JJ felt quite full leaning back in the chair as each deep breath caused the two buttons on his vest to creak loudly making the ego blush as he tries to decline the offer of dessert from you!
. Having such a good time with JJ and obviously not wanting to waste the dessert you slyly move your chair around the table until sitting next to the bloated chubby man, picking up the fork you begun to cut up the thick slice of cake beginning to feed him!
. Blushing even harder from the intimate gesture JJ allowed you to feed him the large slice of cake getting icing coating his plump lips, halfway through the slice one of the buttons on the blue vest popped off loudly hitting the table!
. The second button flung off just after finishing the dessert exposing his ill-fitting stretched white button up shirt with gaps in between the buttons, to JJ's surprise you didn't say anything negative about the clothes malfunction but instead complimenting his big soft body lightly rubbing his bloated gut and whispering into his ear that you like a man with a big appetite.
. After paying for the meal which the two of you splitted equally in half that you helped the blushing chubby ego out of the chair wrapping an arm around his thick waist and walked with him back to his house under the night sky!
. Standing outside out of the house the two of you quietly talked about how fun and relaxing the date was with you passing him a small piece of paper with your number on it to keep in touch through messages and setup a second date!
. Before leaving you stood up on your tiptoes hands resting on the man's chunky love handles and leaned forward giving JJ a soft kiss on the lips which he happily returned!
. The two of you completely ignoring the sounds of whistling/hands clapping and cheers coming from inside of the house as all of the septics were watching through different windows knowing the first date was a complete success!

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