The Revenge Prank

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A/n: This was requested by P4ttka

For several months there has been a spree of pranks happening within the septic house which no one was safe except for the sweet zombie as everyone majority agreed that they didn't want to upset Robbie. Most of these pranks tend to be harmless or on the stranger side of things from Marvin casting a transformation spell onto the doctor giving him a pig snout and a curly pig tail along with gifting him an appetite of a pig which embarrassed Henrik greatly as he couldn't stop himself from eating any food in front of him, someone putting itching powder in the hero's underwear causing Jackie to spend all day uncontrollably itching around his butt to Robbie attempting to join in on the pranks but ultimately stopping himself feeling quite bad and ended up sitting on JJ's lap feeding him a mixture of cake, doughnuts and ice cream leaving a very stuffed bloated mute ego on the couch as an apology.

Currently Anti has hidden himself deep inside one of the stationary cameras that Chase setup for recording one of his trick-shot videos. A Mixture of embarrassment and burning hot fury washed over the glitchy demon as he glared harshly at the other ego using all his willpower taking slow deep breaths to not make the camera or nearby lights to flicker which would indicate his presence, silently watching Chase doing his own thing throwing teabags all over the room Anti couldn't help but think back at the mortifying prank that Chase put him through vowing him to take revenge on the other ego when he least suspects it.


Midnight fell across the house with a few stars shining in the darkened sky it was the first day of April that most of the septic's completely forgotten about. The living room light switched on illuminating the spacious flower wallpaper area with photos of the egos perfectly hung up on the walls, on the small wooden coffee table littered with empty wrappers of junk food and a few empty litres of soda bottles with Anti plonked in the middle of the red three seated couch staring at the TV in complete focus holding a controller in his hands and wearing a headset with a microphone attached to it.

"Did you just fire an arrow at my arse Dark? That's its wannabe goth, todays the day I'm putting the fear in you" Anti playfully growled into the microphone pulling out a diamond sword in the game as his character slowly turned around facing the other ego's character who already begun to sprint away.

"Firstly, Mr skinny bean you can't prove that I did anything to you it could've been a skeleton and lastly you not even scary... You kind of look like a demon puppy" Dark replied sassily chuckling under his breath as he tried to get his character to run away from his demon friend. Ever since Eric introduced Dark to video games he and Anti surprisingly gotten along well moving from bitter rivals to friends in a matter of weeks.

"I don't look like a DAMN demon puppy! Don't try to change the subject you are running away from me as I speak meaning you are guilty of butt crime" Anti rebutted completely focused on the game that he didn't see nor hear Chase coming down the stairs wearing his familiar cap that hid his messy uncombed hair.

Placing both feet onto the carpeted floor of the living room Chase's blue eyes stared mischievously at the back of the green hair demon's head keeping his back pressed to the wall he slowly and quietly inched his way around trying to get a better view of the ego. Listening to his demon friend openly talking and joking around made Chase a little hesitant about pulling a strange prank on the ego but pushed his hesitance aside as he stopped moving having a somewhat good view of the demon's body, hand reaching into his jean's pocket Chase pulled out a small silver laser pointer that was specifically made just for the dad ego to cause some chaotic hilarious pranks.

'Time to make this April fools unforgettable! I'm sure the glitchy dude will find this hilarious... after he calms down' Aiming the laser pointer straight at the unexpected demon Chase clicked the small button located on the side causing a red light to beam out landing on the ego's stomach. At first nothing seemed to be happening yet Chase refused to give up keeping the laser aiming at the man's stomach until the Chase's blue eyes widen excitedly noticing the black shirt started to appear to be shrinking, in fact Anti's slim toned midsection begun to swell outwards creating a small bump underneath the material which became more obvious by the second.

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