Wilford x Chubby Male Reader

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A/n: This is for P4ttka

Among your small group of friends you were known as the most introverted person on the planet with quite an odd sense in fashion. You could be seen wearing light pastel colour clothing everyday typically either a bright blue or yellow button up shirt that was tucked in your equally bright cotton pink pants which would cling to your small pudgy belly along with purple colour suspenders, you were described as a quiet cinnamon roll that never raises your voice at anyone avoiding any social events unless you went with a friend.

A couple of weeks after new year's you begun to feel a little bored of your normal relaxed routine of coming back from work/college ordering whatever you fancied and climbing into bed every night watching random TV shows or movies. Some days you felt a little extra lonely wishing you had a special someone in your life to share to wake up in the morning next to them or even sharing a tub of ice cream watching a scary movie together, due to this increasing feeling you decided to try to be a bit more sociable going to a few events to spice up your life and hopefully meet someone.

The last bit of the sun slowly descended across the horizon as the darkness slowly enveloped the large bushy forest. You awkwardly stood at the side arms crossed over your chest standing next to the long table containing various amounts of foot and drinks, in front of you were hundreds of people standing under a disco ball dancing and grinding with one another with quite few of them wearing odd paper masks with pink moustaches on them.

'Why didn't I bring one of my friends? What do I do now? There's no way I'm joining in the sea of people dancing, Guess I have a drink or two before leaving' You thought combing a hand through your (H/c) feeling a little stressed being out of your comfort zone briefly looking around catching a glimpse of a pink afro. Lightly snapping the purple suspenders you turn your back to the huge group looking over at the range of drinks that are laid out in front of you oblivious to a pair of brown eyes that has been watching you the entire time.

'Someone else that has some great taste in fashion. It be a crime to allow that cute man to be by himself.. It also gives me a chance to get a better look at his adorable pudgy body' Wilford hummed wiggling his pink moustache while unbuttoning the top two buttons of his neon pink shirt exposing his bare buff chest. As Wilford silently begun to walk forward swaying his hips side to side the few people in the crowd that are wearing the masks automatically moved out of the way giving him a straight path towards you.

"Well, hello sweet tiny gumdrop. Why is someone as adorable as a muffin all alone?" A deep alluring husky voice spoke up from behind you causing you to let out a questionable mouse like scream as you accidentally knocked over a random drink.

"S-so sorry about that I didn't really think anyone would talk to me at all I-Bloody hell... You are hot" You rambled nervously feeling heat rising to your cheeks before turning around your face a few inches away from the broadest well build round pecs you have ever laid your (E/c) orbs on. You couldn't help but say the first thing that came to mind before placing a hand over your mouth in horror but Wilford openly laughed at your reaction taking one of your hands and placed a gentle flirting kiss on the back of it.

"Thank you, sweetheart! I must admit I wasn't expecting to see someone who has the same great taste in fashion as me, thou I think you pull the look more than I" Wilford flirted his hands lightly brushing against your purple suspenders his eyes roaming across your body before landing on the small curve of your midsection.

"Oh, stop it you. You making me blush I probably looking more like a tomato right now but you do fill out your clothes more nicely than I do, so mister Hercules... Do you have a name, or can I just call you mine?" You giggled nervously trying to ignore the burning heat around your face missing the way the man's flirtatious smile shifted to a more mischievous smirk as you tried to use a pickup line that you heard your friends used in the past.

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now