Marvin x Chubby Anti

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A/n: Requested by P4ttka

Couple of months ago in the septic house the egos constantly lived on edge tiptoeing around a certain glitchy ego afraid of accidentally setting off his explosive anger which would ultimately cause a fight to break out. Anti knew that the rest of the egos treated him differently like he was fragile glass that was about to shatter at any moment this only irritated him further but he did try many things to keep himself calm like meditation or listening to music, all these attempts didn't seem to work leaving him to feel grumpier and shorter fuse than ever but Anti really did try to bottle up his boiling fury inside of him wanting to prove not only to the rest of the egos but to himself that he can change for the better.

An unusual incident occurred in the septic house that was going to change the lives of everyone involved but most importantly Anti. The septic's called the incident 'the raging blueberry' the demon had done well keeping his anger locked up for weeks until he accidentally stubbed his toe against one of the table's legs or the chair's no one knew for certain but this send the glitchy demon into a furious never-ending rant, Anti didn't get violent only cursing and shouting in front of everyone getting lost in his rage that he never saw the small blue dot slowly turning his pale skin and green hair into the same colour. The ego's watched on in mute surprise unable to tell the demon what's happening before their eyes widen as Anti's body started too randomly fill out his clothes with the sounds of seams splitting open filled the air, a few egos mostly Chase and Jackie laughed when the demon's underwear flung off landing on top of Henrik's head causing the doctor to run around like a headless chicken screaming about demon's germs.

Anti never stopped being angry even when he was completely round unable to move his tiny swollen hands and feet furiously wiggled. The septic's had a great time teasing the blueberry demon rolling him around simply leaving him as a massive blueberry forcing his body to digest and afterwards Anti's body greatly changed his once slim toned body plumped up sporting a moderate rotund paunch that comfortably sat on his lap, his thighs and butt softened up enough to force him to go up two sizes in jeans and his face rounded out enough to give him a small double chin that was hidden underneath his blue beard. The septic's expected the glitchy ego to be furious throwing some threats or harsh glares at them but to their utter surprise Anti laughed giving them a hug which was very unusual as the experience changed his once grumpy raging attitude to a calmer and more laidback.

After that the tension within the household became lighter the egos begun to grow closer with the demon who acted more like Chase but on the softer side.

In the early afternoon the skies crystal clear without any signs of a single cloud with the sun shining brightly over the city of Brighton. A small heatwave washed over the city causing few of the septic's to find ways of trying to stay cool while enjoying the nice weather, in the back garden Chase and JJ stood in the small swimming pool trying to teach the zombie how to swim with Robbie wearing bright orange inflatable armbands along with a purple pool noodle underneath him as he slowly swam towards the two men.

Inside of his bedroom Marvin laid on top of his unmade messy bed surrounded by numerous leather-bound books and ancient scrolls which contained spells he was trying to learn. Pushing his white cat mask up a little bit Marvin lazily flipped the page of the book he was currently reading while one of his fingers twirled around with a strand of his long brown hair that was long enough to touch his shoulders however, his eyes landed on a spell that caught his attention causing him to playing with his hair and sit up on his bed excitedly knocking over a few books sending them onto the floor in the process.

'Huh.. air manipulation? Sounds simple to cast the spell. How hard can it be to control the air? I could even use this to levitate myself but first I need a volunteer' Marvin thought memorising the straightforward incantation on the page before placing the book down and stood up from the bed allowing his black cape with little white stars to fall covering his back stopping at the back of his knees.

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