HC: Chubby YouTubers With A S/O On Halloween Would Include

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. Neither you nor Mark were the hugest fans of the holiday and seeing that your boyfriend couldn't drink alcohol just make things easier for the two of you to stay inside instead of going to a party.
. Weeks before Halloween Mark decided he wanted to invite some of his friends over to spend the day playing video games/card games and watching some terrible horror movies.
. Being the loving kind person you are you spend those weeks baking up a storm of freshly made pastries along up trying to improve your cooking skills by making pizze, everyday Mark willingly volunteered to be the taste tester plonking his chunkier bubble butt onto the counter stealing handfuls of different foods of Halloween themed cupcakes/cookies/doughnuts!
. Everytime Mark would let out a deep almost orgasmic moan as he fills his mouth with food muttering compliments/praises while pulling a slice of fresh pizza and stuffing more into his mouth, you never stop your goofy chubby boyfriend from stealing all of your hardwork in the kitchen in fact you encourage him pushing more his way and watch Mark blissfully eating every crumb as his moderate rotund belly bloats larger poking out from underneath his tight shirts!
. Every single time Mark would stuff himself to the brim that he would unable to move from his spot laying helplessly on the cool counter letting out muffled belches while both hands cradle his paunch, you always push up his cloak shirts placing gentle sweet kisses across his taut soft stomach listening to it gurgling loudly as a blush coated the man's chubby cheeks as he feels you kissing/occasionally sucking hickies across his stomach!
. Sometimes when you in a playful mood you would ruthlessly blow raspberries onto the Youtuber's midsection causing Mark to laugh and belch uncontrollably being at your mercy!
. On the day of Halloween as the house is filled with a few of his friends being quite lively you refuse to let your boyfriend or his friends do any work knowing always pushing them out of the kitchen and bringing them snacks/drinks throughout the night!
. You always try to be a good host and a good loving partner towards Mark!
. On the small coffee table would be filled to the brim with different types of drinks mostly considered of sodas to freshly baked pizzas (Pineapple/pepperoni/cheesy) along with colourful Halloween themed pastries making sure that all of them would be safe to eat for anyone who has a food allergy!
. While Mark and his friends were distracted by playing a video game you would quietly squeeze yourself between your boyfriend and Ethan watching them joke around having fun before hand feeding two large pizzas to your boyfriend who mindlessly accepted it all!
. Moving on from video games to playing some cars games like card against humanity/uno Mark would feel somewhat full as he leans back on the couch not noticing his snug shirt has ridden up a couple of inches exposing a bit of his pudgy gut that comfortably sat on his lap that went unnoticed by everyone in the room!
. While Mark and a few other friends played uno you and Ethan started to chat/catch up seeing as the two of you are very good friends!
. You are one hundred known as a mother hen!
. You spending a good chunk of time talking/hanging out with Ethan by cramming/shoving quite a bit of food into his mouth making sure your friend has gotten plenty of eat never failing to leave Ethan a blushing mess as his stomach bloats bigger and rounder against his hoodie!
. Mark never admitting out loud but occasionally he would get a little jealous seeing how super close you and Ethan get!
. This time was no different as he puffs out his chest trying to act like nothing was wrong as he continues to play a few card games with his friends, however he would eat a little faster cramming more food into his mouth as he sees you feeding Ethan only fueling his jealously!
. In his blind jealously Mark wouldn't pay attention to how much he was packing away as empty wrappers littered around him/crumbs littered his short stubble/plump lips and his shirt sliding higher revealing his deep belly button.
. Not until the sound of the button on his jeans popping off loudly which not only catches his attention but his friends as well as Mark completely overdone himself seeing his shirt has completely ridden up only covering his thick wide pecs and showing off his large bloated stomach!
. Quite a few of his friends would tease him from Tyler strongly poking the side of his gut causing your friend to belch loudly in front of everyone to Sean and Wade taking in turns teasingly rubbing all over his midsection coming up with a few playful nicknames for him.. Which Burpiplier sticks for quite some time!
. After everything calmed down with everyone taking different seats around the living room watching a few cheesy horror movies you would drape a blanket over Mark your hands hidden underneath the fluffy material that no one saw you calmly stroking soothing circles on your boyfriends taut stomach!
. Cuddling into his side with Mark's thicker softer arm which still had quite a bit of muscle draped over your shoulders keeping you close to him that you would sweetly whisper that you always love him and your heart belongs to him!
. Mark never admitting it that he got a little teary eyed from this as he proudly pulls you onto his lap and refuses to let you go for the rest of the night as he preps kisses onto your neck and occasionally whispers teasing hot things into your ear making you blush like a tomato!

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now