Wug x reader

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"Pain... So much pain and destruction across the universe. No matter what I'll do I just keep on looping and going through the wormhole" mumbling to yourself you watched as the blue sparkling vortex of the wormhole move past all around you as you helplessly floated unable to control where you were heading or even to stop this madness. Time seemed to move fast yet incredibly slow within the wormhole you weren't sure how long you been travelling unable to figure out a way to fix everything forced to watch different realities of your friends and crew from the invincible II die in front of your eyes, the worst part of all of this that slowly everyone you trusted begun to blame you thinking you were the villain doing this on purpose trying to stop or even kill you yet you couldn't hate them knowing reality was crumbling due to you failing as the captain to protect the people who needed you the most.

"Please... If anyone can hear me make this stop! I'll can't do this anymore... Perhaps this is hell and I actually have died and being punished for failing to protect my crew" dark heavy bags sat under your (E/c) orbs showing the exhaustion that you felt throughout your body. Your vision begun to blur with unshed tears of desperation hands shaking with terror as you covered your face unable to handle the stress letting out quiet painfilled sobs silently wishing a break from all the madness, lost in your anguish you didn't notice the blue gem that was stuck in your hand glowed an unusual colour that reflected the small specks of stars in the galaxy.

The blue dizzying wormhole surrounding you slowly vanished leaving you standing in an unknown room and at first you didn't pick up the fact that the wormhole disappeared but the sensation of not moving around crazily like small bits of glitter in a snow globe caught your attention. Wiping away the few stray tears from your face onto the back red sleeve of your captain's jumpsuit you blinked a few times to clear your vision looking around taking in all details as possible from the moderate room that held pipes lining across top section of the walls, the temperature of the room seemed to be a little more on the warmer side with slight steam emitting from the rusty pipes a door was opened on the far end of the room which clanging of metal could be heard.

"Where am I this time? Rusty pipes with higher temperatures along with vibrations I can feel... most likely I'm in on one of the lower levels of a random spaceship" You whispered to yourself not wanting to be too noisy in case of drawing any unwanted hostile attention towards you. Taking a step forward towards a large table your eyes widen in surprise noted a few silver trays neatly placed side by side one another all having perfectly round cookies with different ingredients in them from what you see and smell from chocolate chips to peanut butter.




Heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the open entryway causing you to spin on your heels facing towards the entrance eyes widen in pure terror knowing you were about to get caught but before you could think about trying to hide the person rounded the corner revealing to be Wug. Letting out a heavy breath that you didn't know you were holding a small smile broke out across your face recognising the alien warrior still wearing his heavy armour with sharp pointed spikes on the back of the shoulders, a soft chuckle left your lips noticing Wug was wearing an apron making Wug look less terrifying while holding a tray of warm steaming cookies and looking at the blue electronic eyes on the mask that didn't have a mouth you could have sworn that Wug looked happy to see you.

"Wug happy to see tiny human!" Wug excitedly shouted heavily charging towards you acting more like an overly hyper golden retriever than a scary hulking badass warrior each step he was taking caused the cookies on the trays to jump up slightly but landing safely on the tray.

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