Halloween Oneshot: Costume Shopping

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Roughly a year you have been dating Tyler who's been nothing more than a perfect, loveable, gentle giant goofball surprising you with random little gifts whenever he visited you. The two of you did the typical romantic dates like picnics on the beach watching the sun slowly set over the calm ocean, many late date nights which the two of you just sat in the car behind a random fast-food restaurant with you laughing at some of the stories that Tyler spoke about some of his friends to a more relaxing dates at each other's place watching a good movie or TV show with you resting your head on your boyfriend's chest many times falling asleep listening to the sound of his steady beating of his heart.

A way to a man's heart is through his stomach

You took that phase quite serious spending majority of the time dating your sweetheart boyfriend showering him in a lot of random gifts that happened to be his favourite snacks. Sitting in the car enjoying many late meals you always comforting encourage Tyler to always eat more prepping light seductive kisses across his neck that making him indulge more and more with each date, at each other's apartments or picnics at the beach you constantly ended up on the man's lap romantically handfeeding him food along with helping him to chug down plenty of liquids that left him stuffed forcing him to unbutton his jeans.

It was in your nature to spoil the people who matters the most in your life which your roommate and close friend Ethan can attest spending many days as your personal taste tester trying out all the new recipes. It was only natural with your spoiling nature that your boyfriend steadily started to gain weight as you watch him filling out all his increasing tighter shirts with his stomach bulging outwards looking like a small pudgy football then moving upwards looking like he was hiding a basketball under his shirts than finally resembling a large boulder that proudly leads the way whenever he walks, his chest still contained it's muscular wide looks but now having a small layer of softness that felt like you were sleeping on a pillow when you rested your head on it.

Somehow you fell even more in love with Tyler finding him even more handsome and sexy in your eyes as you always made sure he felt loved, attractive and adored by you.

It was the month of October meaning that Halloween was right around the corner leaving you excited getting to spend the first spooky holiday with your boyfriend. Tyler was more on the neutral side when it came to Halloween but he knew that you always got a little exhilarated around the holidays always dragging him to buy Christmas presents or simply buying tons of Easter eggs just for him however, this time he saw another level of excitedness coming from you especially when the two of you got invited for a Halloween costume party from Mark that you hours clinging to his arm like a koala begging and giving your best puppy eyes to go costume shopping for the party.

In the early afternoon Tyler allowed you to drag him downtown in search for the nearest costume shop which took a little longer than usual to find due to you quickly stopping at a shop buying a surprise gift for your boyfriend. Standing in the small cozy shop which had a few mannequins displayed at the window dressed up differently showing off the different holidays like a Turkey costume or a fluffy red and white Santa suit, the shop itself painted in a welcoming bright yellow with small white flower pattern on the walls with colourful lights neatly hanged on the walls.

"What kind of costume are you thinking of dressing me up Tinkerbell? Are you planning on dressing me up in something sexy?" Tyler asked playfully wiggling his eyebrows suggestively while subconsciously pulling down his snug sleeveless red shirt that clung tightly to his upper thick body as a small strip of skin poked out from underneath the material. Pausing in your search through the aisle for some costumes you raised on eyebrow in question at the nickname your boyfriend gave you knowing full well that he was calling you tiny, a small light blush coated your cheeks noticing within the small, cramped aisle that barely has enough room for two people to stand next to each other you saw Tyler taking up most of the room unable to leave any space for anyone to go around him.

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