Chubby Wilford x Dark

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A/n: This was requested but for some reason it won't allow me to tag the person! I'll do apologise 

Wilford wasn't exactly like most of the iplier's within the manor most of their body type was either looking like Greek gods with their muscular athletic bodies or some of them looking more on the skinny side but Wilford was more on the chubby side of things constantly being seen around the manor with a sugary snack in his hands or sipping away at a soda can in meetings. Wilford was very much a huge supporter in body positivity finding everyone to be beautiful no matter their size and extremely happy within his soft dadbod that he loved to show off around the manor wearing his ill-fitting snug clothes with his brightly yellow button up shirts stretching around showing off his plentiful love handles along with gaps in between the buttons exposing his deep belly button, admittedly Wilford was prepared for the harsh comments that he thought Dark would make towards his body except no harsh words aimed at him in fact it was the complete opposite the demon oddly complimented the pink hair ego.

It was around the time of the compliments that Wilford begun to receive some surprising gifts from the usually confident demon who began to act a little more shyly around him. At first Wilford would find little gifts left in his bedroom with no indication on who was giving them this continued for a few weeks until Dark upped his game always cooking a hearty breakfast along with making the perfect coffee just the way the sugary addicted ego loved, Wilford slowly figured out the usually tough demon had a crush on him using this as his chance to tease him from accidentally dropping a pen bending down in front of the other ego wiggling his plump melon size butt smirking seeing Dark turning into a tomato to squashing the demon against the wall using his round doughy paunch to pin him against the wall while whispering seductive words into his ear never failing making Dark moan and the first time Wilford did this caused the ego to faint.

Not long after the constant teasing that these two men ended up dating mainly Dark briefly lost his composure pouncing on top of the unsuspected crush having an intense make out session on the floor before apologising about his behaviour making Wilford playfully roll his eyes and capturing the man's lips with his own. Wilford was taken aback a little bit from the constant spoiling being treated like a king which he never complained from the few dates they managed to go on between their busy schedules, a nice romantic date in the restaurant with Dark spending majority of the time listening to his boyfriend talking as he focused on feeding his chubby man or when Wilford ended up eating a little too much nearly bursting out of his shirt unable to move Dark carefully picking him up in his arms carrying him back home.

They only been dating for a whole month until Wilford started to notice his demonic boyfriend was looking more exhausted with each day passes with heavy dark circles underneath his charcoal piercing eyes spending less time sleeping and more time working in his study going over paperwork. Wilford knows all about Dark carrying responsibility on his shoulders for all of the egos hardly focusing on taking time for himself just to relax, Wilford also knows that his stubbornly boyfriend would not take time to destress and hating seeing Dark slowly working himself tired Wilford knows he has to intervene in the most unusual way.

Across the pitch-black sky first signs of daylight started to break through from the horizon illuminating the surrounding forest birds that sat in their nests far above the ground softly begun to sing their tune and a herd of brown fur white dotted deer galloped across rushing around the modern looking manor a few of them trampled a sleek black skateboard with an orange B printed on the front, the owner who's bedroom looked over at the front yard pressed his face against the window staring in horror at his unfixable skateboard.

"Not cool man! What did my skateboard do to you? Go fu&% yourself" Bing whined his foul language being censored by an obnoxious quack sound before slowly leaving his bedroom wanting to bury and pay respect to his fallen comrade. Holding a nice steaming hot cup of coffee which was ninety percent sugar Wilford strolled down the creamy hallway eyes glancing over some of the framed photos on the walls showing some family moments between the ipliers from Wilford turned the whole manor into a huge battlefield full of snow causing a snowball war to break loose to a simple one of Dark having an arm draped around Eric's shoulders smiling proudly at the shy ego who was holding his diploma, smiling to himself seeing that the Iplier's were a weird wacky family Wilford continued to move forward occasionally poking his into random rooms where he thought his demonic boyfriend could be and turning around the corner he saw Bing coming towards him looking like a kicked puppy.

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now