HC: First Dates With Chubby Youtubers (Part 5)

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. You and Matt first met through college sharing some of the same classes where the two of you ended up sitting next to each other and struck up a friendly conversation that blossomed into a beautiful friendship.
. For many years things stayed like that between the two of you seemingly growing closer as time went by and when Matt first started his YouTube channel you were at his side helping him along the way.
. Working through late nights working on scripts? You there to gently pry him away from his work seeing the heavy bags under his eyes sending Matt to bed and finishing any work for him, constantly bringing homemade meals/diet sodas when he sat behind his computer encouraging him to take small random breaks or just listening to him ramble about any upcoming theories!
. Whenever Mat reaches a new milestone on his channel or managing to create new theory channels that reached new milestones very quickly you always setup a small celebration dinner with him and your friends!
. With your caring nature of making sure that Matt is taking enough breaks away from his work and giving him plenty of cooked meals along with diet sodas it was natural for him to start gaining weight, his midsection turning from a small pudgy potbelly to a moderate doughy gut that was the size of a overinflated basketball that bulged outwards testing the limits of his colourful jackets!
. Matt wasn't sure when he started to develop feelings towards you but he begun to notice he was falling for you whenever you smiled towards him making his heart skip a beat, a slight shy blush coating his rounder cheeks when you give place/give him some of his favourite snacks or hysterically laughing nearly falling out of his chair due to one of your terrible jokes/puns that never fails to brighten his day!
. One day Matt worked up enough courage asking you out on a date which to his utter relief/happiness that you said yes!
. Of course it took a few days for the two of you going on the first date due to busy schedules, in those short days before the date you have spoiled Matt even more giving him even more food than before occasionally sneaking up behind him shoving a donut into his mouth and kissing his cheek temporary distracting him from his work!
. When the day comes around for the first date that you and Matt agreed to a more casual relaxing type heading for the nearby carnival!
. For the first half an hour to fourty minutes the two of you spend going to a few game stalls like shooting water into a clown to fill up a balloon/throwing small colourful rings over empty bottles to throwing several soft balls to knock over targets!
. Perhaps you were a little competitive because you might have beaten Matt at the balloon challenge not noticing that he purposely lost just to see you smile/do a victory dance that you brought him in and kissed him passionately on the lips, on another game you managed to win a overly massive freddy's plushie that you gave to Matt seeing he was quite a fan of the franchise!
. After that you and Matt ended up taking a seat at a questionably sticky table sitting next to one another enjoying some carnival foods/snacks and drinks. Like usual you might've gotten overboard buying at least one food of everything for your date forcing Matt to eat everything and at the end he had to unzip his red jacket revealing his ill-fitting grey shirt that rode up several inches revealing a bit of his soft bloated stomach along with his belly button and plentiful love handles!
. Matt definitely gotten a little shy/embarrassed feeling his bloated paunch heavily sitting on his lap but to his relief that you simply leaned into his plush side sneaking a hand under his shirt palming/rubbing loving circles across his belly whispering compliments into his ear and placing two strong yet gentle kisses onto his cheeks!
. The date ended with both you and Matt going on the tunnel of love which the metal bar harshly pressed against the man's midsection making him groan and belch! However neither you nor Matt paid any kind of attention going through the ride simply cuddling one another with you prepped kisses every inch of Matt's face making him laugh and blush like a tomato showing him how much you truly cared about him!

. You have met Jacob through some mutual friends of yours like Jaiden and Ross since you are also a content creator that specialises in a variety of different content but mostly focuses on video games, baking and animation.
. At first the two of you started as acquaintances occasionally partaking in same videos and challenges but the more videos the two of you appeared in the closer you and Jacob grew, with Jacob liking your dry/sarcastic humour/response that either left him speechless or laughing!
. Jacob quickly learning how talented/skilled you are as a baker when you brought in a whole box full of random freshly baked pastries that are in shape of random characters from video games and anime, perhaps Jacob might've eaten majority of the pastries quickly becoming a fan of your baking skills and barely leaving a single pastry for your other friends!
. Whenever Jacob does any form of challenges/nuzlockes you always come around giving him some sort of pastries in the form of his favourite games/anime characters and usually sit back offering your support of dry humour and sarcastic response that distracts him from the challenge!
. Since becoming a fan of your pastries and constantly being seen on stream eating them frequently Jacob's waistline expanded greatly sporting a large boulder size paunch that protrudes against all of his button up shirts causing small diamond shape gaps appear in between them, his biceps having a thick layer of softness jiggling whenever he moves and making the sleeves even more tighter than usual, his face plumping up giving him two squishy chubby cheeks and a small double chin that his small beard can't hide!
. A slight miscommunication happened between you and Jacob!
. Jacob had been planning on asking you out for a couple of weeks and when he finally did ask you out that you thought that the two of you wanted to hangout simply as friends so you agreed!
. You never even thought that the possibility of Jacob actually asking you out on a date would happen thinking that you are quite nerdy and not attractive enough!
. A full day was ahead of you with fun activities and surprises!
. Early in the morning Jacob came to your house wearing casual clothes of black and white pattern shirt that clung to his upper body and barely covered his rotund paunch outlining his softer chubby body with skintight red shorts that looked a couple sizes too small unable to cover up all of his wider chunkier butt before grabbing your hand pulling you out of the house!
. The first couple of hours spend in the cinema deciding to watch a random horror movie taking a seat near the back of the room and in the near pitch black room you didn't noticed Jacob spending thirty seconds struggling to squeeze himself into the chair with the armrests harshly pinching his plump love handles.
. Throughout the movie you quietly added your own sarcastic commentary about the characters poor decision making forcing Jacob to bite back his wheezing laughter not wanting anyone to look at him strangely for laughing at a horror movie.
. Distracted by the movie you never felt Jacob slyly placing a thick arm on the back of your seat while mindlessly munching his way through the large bucket of popcorn that made his stomach bloat enough to make a small strip of belly hanging out from under his shirt.
. Afterwards you get dragged to a nearby fast food restaurant grabbing a quick bite for lunch which nothing much happened only the two of you chatting like normal and talking about the movie!
. While walking to the next location which happened to be a arcade that you started to notice Jacob acting a little unusual being a bit more affectionate towards you having a arm around your waist keeping you close to his plush side, however you shrugged it off thinking he was being protective placing a hand on the side of his rotund hefty gut and cuddled into him.
. In the arcade you and Jacob spend a good chunk of time trying to win some random plushies with you silently laughing at Jacob's behaviour of swearing at the inanimate machine for making him look bad however, Jacob managed to get three little grey dragon figurines that he gave you which you absolutely adored.
. After all of that the two of you ended up walking down the beach next to the calming splashing of the ocean with Jacob staring at you with the most sincere caring smile like you are the most important person in the world!
. Slowly you begun to piece together from the man's odd behaviour of having an arm around your waist and occasionally holding your hand to spending the whole day doing random activities with each other.
. Very quietly you asked him if this was a date and hearing him confirm it made you mentally palm yourself for not realising it sooner, apparently your reaction was priceless as Jacob begun to laugh and lightly tease you!
. Getting a little revenge you managed to push Jacob causing him to stumble and fall into the ocean with a big splash effectively getting his clothes wet sticking to his body even more, moving his blonde hair out of his eyes Jacob smirked grabbing your hand before pulling you down into the ocean with him.
. For a couple of minutes the two of you ended up splashing each other with water until getting exhausted from that activity you begun to move away from the cold water!
. Until Jacob gently grabbed your hand tugging you backwards into his body placing his hands on your hips and leaned down placing a kiss onto your lips, sharing a sweet passionate kiss next to the ocean was pretty romantic in your mind!

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