(Gift) Potions Punishment (Part 1)

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A/n: I'll do planning on making a part two of this at some point but hopefully enjoy this! This is for Septoxxic

Ernsthaft= Seriously//  Sohn= Son

Surprisingly it was a calm Sunday afternoon in the septic house with everyone taking the day off from any responsibilities and using it to catch-up and have fun with each other. In the small inflatable pool that was neatly placed in the centre of the backyard JJ was standing in the deep waters only wearing a pair of brown swimming trunks as he tries to teach Robbie how to swim who currently wearing bright orange inflatable armbands with a long pool noodle keeping him afloat as he slowly doggy paddled towards his silent friend letting out the loudest happiest gurgles, rest of the septic's lounging around in the shaded part of the garden having a blanket covering the dry grass with a small basket containing lunches and random drinks in can forms.

"You got this dude! At this rate you be a pro swimmer Robbie, we believe in you!" Chase called out from his spot on the blanket next to Henrik who had his face deep in a book yet a small smile crept onto the doctor's face briefly looking up towards the pool seeing that the ego cheering the zombie on.

"He's right chap! Practice makes perfect after all plus you doing better than Anti already, he just thrashes around like a fish out of water" JJ signed encouragingly from the other side of the pool using one hand to brush his wet brown hair away from his eyes as he opens his arms indicating for the undead ego to try again.

A quiet giggle left the zombie's mouth imagining the tough demon helplessly violently thrashing in the water before his eyebrows furrowed in determination wanting to make his friends proud. Throwing the pool noodle away to the surprise of the rest of the septic's Robbie slowly began to move forward in the water his feet leaving the ground as he started to float moving his arms slowly at his sides, the egos cheered clapping their hands together in celebration seeing the zombie finally mastering swimming with Chase and Jackie being the loudest and reaching the other side of the pool Robbie collided into the mute man which JJ more than happy hugged him offering a proud smile.

"Who stole my fuckin knife?!" A familiar glitchy voice broke through the happy celebration causing the egos to fall silent everyone looking at each other before looking around the garden for the demon. Static filled the air along with a green mist appearing in front of the few egos that were sitting in the shade and after a couple of seconds Anti materialised his bright green eyes angrily glaring at the four men his hands on his hips wearing the same black clothing that he always wears every single day.

"When I find out who has taken my knife I'm going to rip out their spleen and shove it up their ugly butt" Anti threatened growling at the four men who looked utterly unbothered by this seeing that the glitchy demon had a bit of an anger problem they were trying to help with Henrik looking more disappointed than the others as the doctor has become some sort of a father figure towards the demon.

'Ernsthaft? Anti knows very well about the rules when it comes to him threatening us, I don't look forward to whatever punishment we have to give him' Henrik thought his blue eyes flickering to the other ego's faces also seeing the slight grimace written on their faces knowing that they were thinking the same thing.

"Are you talking about the same knife I saw you throwing out of your window last night? The very same knife you are looking for that I'm currently holding Anti?" Marvin questioned learning forward on the spot with a growing grin as he held a knife in his gloved hand lightly waving it at the glitchy ego.

Anti's mouth drops open in realisation remembering the events of the previous night of throwing his knife out of the window a light embarrassed blush slowly coating his pale cheeks which a few egos chuckled finding the demon adorable. Taking a step towards the magician Anti reached out planning on taking his knife back but to his surprise Marvin pulled his hand away keeping the sharp object away leaving him a little annoyed as he glared harshly at his friend.

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