Potion Punishment (Part 2)

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A/n: Wasn't sure on how to end this but this was requested by Anonymous! Hope you enjoy it :D

For two days straight Anti stayed in the magician's bedroom as an immobile huge blueberry unable to do much except for letting out muffled angry groans barely glaring at Marvin over his blue body and flapping his swollen hands and feet which didn't do anything except for making him sway on the spot. In those two days every single ego in the house saw the quick-tempered tough demon in this embarrassing situation some septic's were joking and teasing around like Chase who used the blueberry ego as a prop in a few of his videos and Jackie deciding the demon needed some exercises rolled him around the city occasionally giving him a teasing squeeze, other septic's were more supportive and caring not wanting to humiliate Anti any further Robbie loved climbing on top of his friend's round body platonically kissing his swollen cheeks to JJ secretly putting itching powder in Marvin's underwear to give his friend something to laugh at and take his mind away from the situation.

Anti's anxiety skyrocketed thinking his father figure would hate or disown him once he sees him as an immobile blueberry but to the glitchy ego's surprise and happiness Henrik gave him a gentle loving hug muttering comforting words to ease his worries. One of those rare moments in this situation that Anti felt safe being in the doctor's arms a shy smile hidden on his round face before letting out muffled laughter as Henrik playfully tickled the man's puffy blue feet just to get him to laugh.

Inside of the demon's bedroom Anti stood in front of the dresser which held a longish clean mirror his orbs intensely staring at his own reflection. A small frown plastered on his face seeing a small change of his appearance after shrinking down returning somewhat to normal his green eyes have been replaced by the same violet colour along with the same colour in a zigzag pattern directly down in the centre of his green hair, hesitantly Anti lightly brushed his hand through his mixed colour hair letting out a annoyed huff through his nose clearly unhappy with the new changes.

"Stupid fookin colour... Ruining my hair, eyes and my reputation in the community. No one fears me anymore because of Chase and that furry magician, I'm a demon I suppose to be scary but now everyone calls me the cutest blueberry" Anti grumbled quietly under his breath looking away from the mirror trying to hide the small blush appearing on his pale cheeks remembering some of the comments left on Chase's photo of him.

Is that Anti?! What the hell happened to him? Not gonna complain he looks more adorable I just want to pinch his round cheeks.

Not going to lie I'm a little jealous of Anti's super THICK butt

A new ego content coming soon? Are we going to learn about Anti's backstory? Is he a blueberry demon?

SMASH! I'm just going to leave this comment here

Before the demon could spiral further down into an embarrassed blushing mess a loud knock emitted from the door making Anti groan loudly slowly turning around facing the closed door while leaning against the dresser shoving both hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"I know you in their Anti. Can I come in for a minute or two?" The familiar voice of the magician spoke from the opposite side of the door straight away making the glitchy ego narrow his eyes at the door letting out a quiet growl knowing full well Marvin was here about the next punishment.

'Seriously? I was a fookin blueberry for a couple of days I think, can't they give me a small break from this just to relax. Perhaps it's better to get this over with and not drag it out' Anti thought his eyes glancing around the room a slight grimace appeared on his face seeing the messy state his bedroom was in. The grey duvet on his bed crumpled half hanging off the side of the bed a small trashcan located next to his desk overflowing with trash to the point some empty wrappers have fallen onto the floor, the desk was in a similar state with dirty clothes coating every inch of the surface hiding the keyboard and mouse with random pieces of clothing littered the floor.

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