Taking Control

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A/n: Originally I'll had a different ending for this but I'll changed it who knows maybe I'll make a part two to this someday! Anyway enjoy this everyone :D

Ever since joining the group of Iplier's Google had wanted one thing knowing that he was quite different from the rest of the egos due to him being an android which was to be treated equally with respect like anyone else. Majority of the Iplier's had no problem seeing Google like any other person always involving him in group game nights along with asking him for his opinions and never once did most of them tried to boss him around or treat him any less of a human being which he was very grateful for, there is one ego in the manor that only saw Google as an emotionless machine to be bossed around giving orders always trying to act smarter. Dark the bossy overconfident demon who just gave himself the title of the leader of the group never thought a machine-like Google deserved any respect at all seeing he was just a machine and used him to get chores done around the manor.

"Tin can! Go wash the dishes like the mindless machine you are"

"The only good thing that you are good at machine is doing chores, by the way do the laundry"

"Maybe one day you would be worthy of respect machine... Very unlikely to happen"

Google knew that Dark was purposely not using his name instead of simply calling him Tin can or machine demeaning him trying to make him feel less from the others. Google was slowly learning about his ever-evolving emotions the one strong emotion he had towards the demon would be boiling anger every order pushed the android into considering on getting revenge but the one thing that held him back was the fact that the other Iplier's has his back always trying to correct Dark trying to get him to see that Google is indeed like everyone else making him feel welcomed and belonged in the group.

Thou as time went by Google started to realise that the bossy demon was wrong all along, he does deserve respect the only person at the moment that doesn't deserve to be respected at the moment is Dark. Google kept a very close eye on needing to know if the demonic ego was a threat at all before getting his revenge on him deciding it was enough he wasn't taking the man's crappy behaviour anymore, a week of observing concluded that Dark wasn't a threat at all not showing any supernatural abilities or heightened senses at all making the ego a normal demon with no powers with slightly above average intelligence. With that information at the back of his mind Google feeling more confidence sneakily begun to plot his revenge calculating the possibilities of every scenario wanting to make it perfect just to prove to Dark that he wasn't smarter than an android that is connected to the internet.

'Dark doesn't deserve to be the leader I'll fain to take the role away from him and in the process, I shall humiliate and get rid of him'

On a bright early afternoon Google stood in the kitchen pretending to do the chores his back facing the coffee machine mindlessly wiping down the counter getting rid of any potential crumbs littered on the surface. His brown eyes looking through the small window watching the wind pick up a few stray reddish/brown leaf's dancing in the air the colouration of the leaf's indicated it was in Autumn or getting close to changing seasons, anticipation flowed through the ego's wires his foot nervously and excitedly tapped against the black and white tiled floor knowing his revenge plan will come reality very soon.

'From my short deep observation I have concluded that Dark is a creature of habit. The man doesn't like much surprises in his routine and precisely around half one in the afternoon he will come downstairs order me to make him a drink, this will be Dark's downfall!' Google thought a small smirk slowly appearing on his face distracting himself with opening the dishwasher putting the dirty dishes and cups into it. Halfway through the task a silent notification popped up in the android's line of sight alerting him of the time being half one and just as he closed the notification Google could hear heavy footsteps stomping across the ceiling making their way down the stairs, knowing exactly who this was Google continued with his task stacking the remaining cutlery into the dishwasher as Dark appeared in the doorway wearing his usual pristine black suit a cocky smirk never leaving his face as he stared at the android with his arms crossed over his chest.

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