HC: First Dates With Chubby Ipliers (Part 1)

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Wilford Warfstache
. You were first introduced to Wilford through your older brother Dark who was quite reluctant to even allow the two of you to meet at the first place but with you pestering him with never-ending texts wanting to meet his friends Dark gave up after a while.
. Before meeting you Wilford pictured the demon's sibling/you to look/act similar like Dark a little bossy, having a stick up in your butt about rules and genually not being any fun.
. Wilford was quite surprised once he gotten to know you that you were the opposite of Dark more than happy to play along with his games/pranks on the other egos, openly flirting with him by giving him some terrible pickup lines and lightly wiggling your finger in the gaps between the buttons on his yellow shirt that stretched tightly around his moderate basketball size midsection.
. At first Wilford was more than happy to be friends with you having quite the odd playful/teasing friendship with you sneaking up behind the Chubby pink hair male stuffing a snack into his mouth before running away to Wilford trapping you against the wall using his gut to push against you as he whispers into your ear making you blush bright red!
. A lot of flirting happening between the two of you!
. Wilford only realised that he started to like you more as a friend when you and him pulled off a seemingly harmless prank of putting itching powder in Dark's underwear, the two of you hiding under his bed with you trying to muffle your laughter while Wilford smiling feeling his heart race/butterflies in the pits of his stomach just from hearing you laugh!
. Wilford didn't waste a single second realising his feelings towards you as he asks you out on a date from under the bed and excitedly kissing you on the cheek when you accept.
. However a problem came up with the fact you knew your older brother Dark is quite protective over you and would most definitely try to intervene or even try to follow the two of you on the date.
. Thankfully Wilford came up with a simple plan that the strict demon could not ruin the date or even try to follow, on the day of the date the goofy chubby man sneakily placed a plain blueberry flavour gum onto Dark's desk knowing his friend likes to mindlessly chew when he works that would turn the ego into a massive round blueberry!
. As Dark fell in the trap of chewing the gum his pale skin turning blue while his body steadily started to expand with blueberry juice making him moan out struggling to push his belly back in and simply moving his thick swollen legs to get some help, Wilford wanted to impress you wearing a very bright pink suit that clung to his chubby body outlining his chunky butt/plump curves knowing that you like his body!
. The location of the date is at the beach a large blanket laid out on the sand overlooking the beautiful view of the sun alowly descending across the horizon with the orange/red colours bouncing off the ocean.
. A Picnic basket sat between the two of you while the two of you bonded/grew closer sharing embarrassing stories about Dark along with getting to know one another!
. At some point Wilford had managed to slowly crawl closer until he plonked his butt onto your lap effectively trapping you underneath him with a playful mischievous look in his chocolate brown eyes as he opens the basket pulling out a wide range of different foods, to your surprise that Wilford begun to steadily started to feed you the food from the basket!
. A good hour was spend with the Chubby ego managing to handfeed you a whole large chocolate cake getting icing smear onto your lips, two dozens of fudge brownies/half a box of sugary donuts and a few bottles of soda to wash it all down! With the constant flow of food coming you couldn't really talk focusing on being fed that your stomach gradually begun to bloat growing larger/rounder with each bite till the point that the shirt you were wearing begun to ride up exposing a few inches of midsection skin!
. Of course not wanting to appear rude you obviously returned the favour grabbing random sugary snacks that you learn the male has a large sweet tooth and begin to push a mixture of cupcakes and cookies into his mouth!
. Having quite a large appetite Wilford more than happy to being fed by you wolfing down the pastries getting crumbs in his pink moustache as wiggles on your lap not noticing his bulging doughy gut slowly bloating bigger causing the pink buttons on his equally pink jacket to pop off loudly making his midsection bounce freely.
. At the end both you and Wilford were feeling quite full from the stuffing/feeding date as the two of you ended up laying on the blanket cuddling each other occasionally things getting a little heated by making out aka Wilford managing to suck hickies across your noticeable round bloated stomach!
. This may have been only the first date but Wilford knows he has found his soulmate planning on being the perfect caring man towards you along with planning to feed you even more on the future.

Eric Derekson
. Due to his two protective father figures Dark/Wilford in the Manor they made sure the shy ego always ate food throughout the day constantly leaving Eric absolutely full/stuffed.
. All of this combined with the shy ego not being the most active ego in the Manor easily caused him to gain alot of weight as he outgrew most of his clothes leaving him upgraded them quite a few times, Eric's once small pudgy belly resembled a big rotund boulder leading the way whenever he heavily walks as it pokes out from under all of his shirts!
. Eric was quite Self-conscious about his new larger body especially when he has to go to college feeling like everyone was staring/judging him.
. However there was one person which was you that had the same lecture/classes with him that you always took a seat next to Eric striking up a conversation!
. You are very flirty/giving the shy man alot of compliments!
. A red hue never fails to appear on Eric's chubby cheeks as you flirt with him sneaking a hand under his ill-fitting shirt giving his doughy soft gut a gentle rub and always telling him that he looks handsome that bring a smile onto the egos face!
. Developing strong feelings towards you Eric needed some advice as he asks Wilford for some advice which the pink moustache ego happily gave them using his powers to swap the egos clothes with a crop top that only covered his plump moobs exposing his big hefty midsection and some skintight black/yellow shorts that felt like it was about to rip off his body!
. Following Wilford's advice/wearing the very snug clothes Eric tried his best to act all confidently carrying a box of chocolates towards you and when he met up with you he stuttered a few times while asking you out on a date after college.
. To the shy egos relief that you accepted happily taking the box of chocolates and more than happy to lean forward placing a gentle kiss onto his chubby cheek making him squeak like a mouse!
. After college Eric took you towards the local arcade knowing that you enjoyed these sorts of games from getting to know you in classes, firstly the two of you played a dancing game having to stomp your feet onto the arrows at the right time on the screen!
. Quickly learning that Eric wasn't very good at the game along with the fact he could barely see the tips of his feet over his chunky stomach that you decided to help him standing behind the Chubby male placing your hands on his plentiful love handles and guiding him through the dance.
. After that the two of you decided to spend the rest of the date bowling mostly messing around trying to come up with different ways of rolling the ball down the lane, at some point Eric bend down a little too far causing the shorts to split open in the middle of his two large butt cheeks revealing his underwear to the world making him blush like a tomato but thankfully you came to the rescue reassuring him hugging him tightly and covering his face with kisses making him laugh!
. Walking Eric back home to the Manor enjoying the peaceful walk through the forest you begin to shiver from the cold wind making you cuddle into Eric's soft side wrapping an arm around his belly!
. Standing outside of the Manor you pull out a marker from the pocket writing down your phone number onto the man's thick arm before giving him a soft loving kiss on the lips completely unaware both Dark and Wilford were watching all of this from a upstairs window smiling proudly!

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now