Chubby Anti x Chase Brody

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A/n; This is for TheRoyalEmo

Warning: Brief mentions of a suicide attempt but nothing graphic or detail

Everyone in the septic house knew that Anti wasn't the kindest, sweetest or very emotional at times in fact he was the opposite of those things' majority of the time. Sometimes Anti couldn't read people's emotions occasionally saying the wrong thing making things worse or awkwardly offering a hug to a crying ego which everyone in the house thought they were hugging a mannequin however; every single ego could tell the glitchy demon is trying his best to get along with everyone even getting to see a different side to the tough ego that likes to play some harmless yet embarrassing pranks to being protective over them making sure they were safe at all times when they left the house especially when it's dark outside.

The past couple of days Anti slowly noticed a rising tension among the group of egos that he tried to ignore knowing full well his glitchy powers would flare up if he got annoyed or remotely angry. The demon saw that Henrik was spending even less time at home due to an important emergency at the hospital that made Anti a little jealous and sad secretly seeing the doctor as a father figure, the room would always go silent whenever the demon walks in and always feeling their eyes staring at the back of him when he leaves made him confused and more snappy than usual.

In the very early afternoon dark clouds hung over the bustling city of Brighton with light shower of rain pouring already creating some small puddles as people rushed the crowded streets trying to not get too wet from the downpour. Anti lazily sprawled out on the brown leather couch with a large ceramic bowl filled to the brim with salty popcorn nuzzled between his thick thighs, his green eyes glued on the TV watching a random horror movie while trying his best to ignore the quiet whispering emitting from the entryway of the stairs between Jackie and Marvin.

"There's no good time telling Anti about this we been delaying this for days and I think Anti suspects we are hiding something Jackie. He needs to know before Chase comes here from the hospital" Marvin quietly whispered his white gloved hands gesturing between them to the back of the demon's head unknowingly making Anti frown from his spot scooping a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"I know dude I know. Everyone been on edge on how Glitch McBitch going to react to the new ego coming home, Anti has a short fuse on him, and I'm worried he's going to accidentally hurt Chase more... The man is in a delicate place right now" Bubbling red fury started to wash over the demon hearing that his friends still didn't trust him but taking a few deep breaths Anti calmed down enough as he slowly tossed more popcorn into his mouth some of them hitting his nose or chin making them bounce and roll down his large doughy paunch.

'Why is it hard to earn their fuckin trust? I'm doing these ridiculous breathing exercises to calm down from getting angry and Henrik is acting as my stupid therapist talking about my emotions. Who is this Chase person? A delicate place.. What does that even mean? Clearly, they trust this new ego then me' Anti thought his eyes pulling away from the TV glancing down towards his noticeable bulging pudgy beerbelly seeing his ill-fitting black shirt barely managing to cover his upper softer body leaving no room for imagination with a clear indent could be seen where his belly button located underneath.

Subconsciously Anti snuck a hand under his shirt lightly palming his moderate basketball gut along with drumming his fingers against the soft warm skin the simple action distracting him from everything around him making him relax further on the couch. The glitchy demon would never admit this to anyone in the house but he enjoyed letting himself go really liking seeing himself filling out his clothes more than usual and overall found that eating greatly calmed him down, the sound of someone clearing their throat caused Anti to snap his eyes open and straight away a blush begun to form on his pale chubby cheeks seeing Jackie and Marvin standing in front of the couch looking down at him with amused grins plastered on their faces and arms crossed over their chest.

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