Reversing the wormholes

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A/n: This is from the voting page! Hope you all enjoy this :D

At the very beginning of the whole reality slowly destroying and collapsing into itself you were a little bit intrigued getting to see different multiverse sometimes getting to see different versions of your friend head engineer Mark. However, your curiosity quickly vanished replaced by a continuous exhaustion and desperation in many situations your life was on the line running from danger and of course people blamed you for what's happening from random people to your own crew which hurt you a lot emotionally. You realised the crystal that was embedded into the palm of your hand was the cause of all of this mess trying your best to stop things from getting even worse you focused all of your efforts into the crystal which ultimately failed every time you tried to unwedge it, trying to smash the crystal still in the palm of your hand somehow the small object sensed it was in danger opening another wormhole making you fall through it.

A constant gust of wind ruffled your (H/c) hair that stuck in random directions while you spun and fell through another wormhole. All around you could just see an endless sea of blue swirling making you feel like you were in a massive cotton candy machine perhaps due to exhaustion or slowly losing hope that things would get better you didn't try to fight or resist falling saving your strength as you crossed your arms over your red captain's uniform.

'Wormhole 2...45 I'll think yeah! 245 times I been doing this. Gosh, this feels like a never-ending nightmare' You thought letting out a heavy huff briefly closing your (E/c) eyes silently wishing for a break from all of this. Going on this unplanned disastrous adventure any luck that you did have simply gone with you barely resting your eyes for even a second the journey through the wormhole came to a stop with your body flew out of the exit roughly rolling across the ground like a ragdoll until resting on your back.

Cracking your eyes open you stare up at the ceiling straight away spotting multi-coloured stage heads along with a large glistening silver disco ball perfectly hanging in the middle of the room. Pushing yourself up until you were sitting up on the floor you look around the room finding the whole place deserted which looked like a disco or some form of bar, behind the counter littered many bottles of alcohol with untouched glass around the dance floor tables seemingly empty with personal items just being left and across the floor bits of clothing and strange paper masks littered the ground.

"H-Hello? Anybody here?" You called out voice slightly cracking due to screaming and shouting a lot while running away from previous dangers. Waiting for a few seconds for a response which never came making you a little on edge slowly pushing yourself off the floor until you were standing back on your feet.

"How curious that a tiny human like yourself is the cause of reality collapsing in on itself, how did you do that cupcake?" A deep male voice suddenly spoke from behind causing a high pitch scream to leave your lips as you jump around coming face to face with another human being. The man wore a bright pink fake curly hair along with yellow pants and a pink button up shirt that slightly hurt your eyes to see this much pink in your life.

"H-How did you just appear? There was no one in this room except me... For your information Mister cotton candy man, I didn't ask for this it this stupid crystal fault I got no control over this" You grumpily replied placing a hand over your chest from the mini jumpscare that the stranger gave you. Wilford laughed loudly that echoed all over the quiet room shaking his head amusingly as he grabbed your hand lifting it up and placing a sweet yet seductive kiss smirking when he saw a deep red blush coating your cheeks.

"As much I love you calling me cotton candy man darling you can call me Wilford. A crystal you say? You not doing this on purpose but instead an unfortunate victim forced to go through this" Wilford murmured quietly a distant faraway look shined in his brown eyes that you caught for only a moment before vanishing as he turned your hand over inspecting the small crystal that was embedded into your hand.

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