Chubby Chase x Borrower Reader

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A/n: This is for P4ttka

A life of a borrower isn't exactly the safest or the kindest things that any being can go through seeing as nearly everything is gigantic and anything could kill you at any second. However, that is your life which you are very proud and happy with managing to sneak around the house full of men with their different personalities yet each one looking quite similar never being noticed by any of them borrowing some tiny supplies that you knew the occupants wouldn't miss, ripping some small pieces of clothing to make your own shirts and pants that don't match in color finding some tough string that you used to make a hook to pull yourself up onto counters for easier access to foods and overtime creating a small bedroom in the walls between two bedrooms with a human called Chase and the other being a demon called Anti.

Near the beginning of your stay you tried to observe the grumpy lazy demon through the small crack in the wall of his room but quickly backed away half anxiousness half in disgust from the number of times the ego would toss his knife against the walls and letting out obnoxious gassy farts in his sleep. After that you spend majority of your time in Chase's room hiding behind a stack of papers on a shelf trying to hide your giggles while the human did some trick-shots with the teabags while doing an odd dance that he called dabbing, you slowly begun to see the energetic chubby human as a friend, a big brother that never failed to make you smile and laugh even thou he never knew of your existence.

Although there was one time that you learned that some sort of anniversary coming up for Chase about being sober which you didn't fully understand but hearing the pride in other ego's voices you wanted to do something nice for him. Sneaking into his room while he was out you struggled to write out a simple short message on a piece of paper that was barely readable "I'm proud of you mister Chase, keep being your awesome self", Chase never figured out who wrote the message with the rest of the egos denying writing that and you knew you broke a rule of the borrowers but you didn't care seeing the huge smile on the man's face was worth it.

The entire house was eerier peaceful with zero traces of any laughter or chatter coming from any of the egos with the sun barely peaking over the horizon slowly casting away the night. A life of a borrower usually meant getting up at the most unfortunate times whenever the humans most likely to be asleep for you to complete your daily activities of getting supplies and stealing bits of food to last for days on end, yet you didn't do any of that sitting on the edge of the bookshelf that is high up off the ground legs dangling off swaying them back and forth silently observing the sleeping dad.

'Has any borrower attempted to climb a human? Never heard of stories of my kind going near humans before...Perhaps it's time to have an adventure of a lifetime' You amusingly thought watching the man's shirtless large dome of a gut steadily rising and falling with each breath letting out some deafening snoring sounds that sounded like thunder to you.

'Should I really try and do something reckless like climbing on a human? It's against the code of the borrowers that I was taught by my parents'

'Then again, my parents left me without warning. Screw the code I want to live my life the way I want to live it, a borrower's life is... not very long'

Letting out a shaky breath you pushed yourself away from the edge pulling out a large roll of string from your handmade (f/c) satchel using all your strength to put one end underneath a heavy book before tossing the string over the edge. Carefully you slowly slid down the string being extra careful not getting rope burn spending a good couple of minutes working your way down, the rope ended without touching the calming light blue carpet but luckily your tiptoes managed to brush against the ground leaving you successfully landing on the floor.

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