Build a Youtuber

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Visiting America never failed to bring excitement to Sean even seeing the same landmarks and state that most of his friends live in. From the usual dull cloudy weather of Britain to the sunny baking state of California getting to observe the culture change with his friends is a big plus that never failed to get him purely pumped up, the main reason for constantly travelling to America is to visit his friends either spending time recording videos for their channels or simply relaxing and joking around having fun. The first time Sean had visited America he was a bundle of nerves completely fanboi the fact he was staying at Mark's for the weekend it was one of the most amazing memories he had burned into his mind the fact that their friendship blossomed turning into good friends with the American, from their easy banter managing to make a joke out of everything to having heartful moments.

The very first heart to heart moment happened when Sean phoned his friend up in a panic sounding stressed beyond belief going into detail about his egos just randomly appeared in front of him becoming real and every second passed on the phone Sean sounded more distressed on the edge of a panic attack. Luckily Mark managed to calm his friend down giving him some pointers before instantly coming over thanks to one of Mark's egos opening up a portal helping him through the new situation, to both men's surprise that the two demons honestly gotten on well neither one of them tried to fight one another and seemingly clicked ever since constantly hanging out becoming good friends just like Mark and Sean.

"How can you stand this heat? Urgh, I hate the sun so much" Anti hissed towards to the burning ball up in the crystal-clear sky pulling the borrowed cap over his eyes that he politely stolen from Chase while cheekily giving the sun his middle finger as he walked down the street. Dark raised his eyebrow in question letting out a deep chuckle at the other demon's antics walking alongside him flexing straightening his suit to show he wasn't bothered by the heat.

"Has anyone told you that you have the personality of a cat Anti? To make my point you just hissed" Dark retorted playfully tossing an arm around the other demon's shoulders pulling him close a small smirk appearing on his face seeing Anti's face turning a dark shade of red from the affection but didn't pull away. A few steps behind them were Mark and Sean mostly watching the two demons interact with amused grins but occasionally chatted with the Irishman acting like an energetic child frequently asking his friend where they were going, it was the last day for Sean staying in America before heading back home and Mark wanted to surprise his friend with a random activity and refused to tell his friend no matter what.

"At least that makes me cute! I'm not like a certain somebody who acts like they got a stick up their arse" Anti jokingly stuck his tongue lazily started to cuddle into the other ego's side trying to shield himself from the sun while the two youtubers looked at each other still a little surprised that somehow the demons were getting along perfectly well and not trying to attack each other.

"They are sickeningly sweet I wasn't expecting demons to act like this" Mark whispered keeping his voice low enough for only his friend to hear while listening to them chatter.

"Anything is better than them fighting Mark... Where are we going?" Sean humorously voiced before letting out a mouse like squeak as he felt himself being picked up and tossed over Mark's shoulder forced to stare down at the ground and at his friend's butt.

"This must be like having a child in the back of the car asking every few minutes if they have arrived at the place. We nearly there Sean I'm not ruining the surprise" Mark chuckled decided to keep his Irish friend over his shoulder carrying him like he didn't weigh anything and cheekily patted Sean's butt causing him to let out high pitch hey in return.

"Really? I believe it was you that had something up in your butt last night Anti. Remember me towering over you and destroying you-" Dark spoke a sly grin appearing on his face watching the other demon impossibly looking like a tomato red covering the entire of Anti's face but before he could finish his sentence Mark interrupted looking a little pale.

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now