Chubby Eric x Mermaid Reader

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A/n: I changed the ending to be more fluffy/happy ending but if anyone interested to see the original ending involving the reader inflating Eric then I could add a alternate ending if anyone's interested in that 

Being a mermaid for the most part has been isolating and very lonely for you. For as long as you could remember you have travelled across the different seas searching for the rest of your kind without success and each day that passes you felt even more lonely, eventually you gave up the search of trying to find anymore mermaids instead focusing on trying to survive against the brutal wild animals that tried to eat you. Occasionally you would come across strange silver floating objects on the surface of the ocean containing humans and at first you were very curious approaching with hope that maybe you found a friend at last in this vast world.

That hope quickly crushed away.

To your horror the humans screamed pointing harpoons straight at you forcing you to swim away in fear doing your best to dodge the oncoming sharp objects that pierce the water harshly. You were lucky to survive that day with a minor small cut on your (F/c) scaly tail but that moment scarred you forcing you to keep your distance from any humans for a long time however, mermaids were very curious in nature as one of your little homes hidden in a underwater cave near a beach that hundreds of humans appear everyday you silently watch on wondering if you could ever have a friend.

"Alright dudes! We have arrived at the beach, that's my first time driving you all somewhere. How was it peeps?" Bing spoke sounding very proud of himself parking the yellow minivan in the small car park in front of the beach. Switching the engine off the android turned around in his seat one arm resting on the seat as he looks at the group of egos eagerly waiting for a response, for a painful few seconds no one dared to say anything each ego looking very pale from the crazy driving experience Bing has put them through.

"H-how did you even pass the driving test? It's a miracle we got here in one piece" Dark grumbled feeling quite uncomfortable not wearing his usual attire of a suit but instead forced to borrow one of Wilford's pink shorts that has the word thick written on the seat of the shorts.

"Jim thinks his soul left his body for the majority of the ride... Jim wants to ride again!" both Jim's bounced up and down in their seats clearly enjoyed the androids wild ride before seeing the ocean and energetically climbed over the demon getting out of the vehicle leaving everyone behind.

Everyone watched the twin's running on the sand seemingly pulling out their massive camera out of nowhere beginning to record and document their day out to the beach. One by one the group of ego's slowly climbed out of the vehicle making their way towards the vast sandy beach splitting off into small groups to do their own things from Wilford setting up a net to play volleyball with a few other egos to Dark setting up a large parasol laying down in the shade to avoid getting sunburnt.

At first Eric was frozen on the spot at the entrance of the beach his heart hammering rapidly in his chest and his palms becoming sweaty as the ego begun to start to feel self-conscious looking around the sandy beach spotting many shirtless people who were in better shape than him. Briefly looking down Eric felt his flash flush seeing his moderate pudgy belly protruding outwards sagging over the tight waistband of his shorts, taking a slow deep breath Eric slowly started to walk further onto the beach trying to blend in and not draw any unwanted attention as he casually crossed his arms over his soft chest and sucked in his stomach to make him look less chubby.

'w-why did I come here? I don't belong here surrounded by fit good looking people showing off their beautiful bodies. Don't run, don't trip up don't do anything to embarrass myself' Eric thought his anxiety skyrocketing feeling invisible eyes staring at him and judging him harshly. Wanting to hide somewhere that no one could judge him Eric walked a little faster towards the ocean his feet soaked into the lukewarm salty water before it started to rise higher as Eric trudged, once the water covered his midsection Eric started to swim away wanting to be alone for a while to calm down as the land slowly got further away while he focused on swimming.

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now