Chubby Doctor Iplier x reader

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A/n: Requested by GalaxyGalleria

The usual chaotic tumultuous manor that filled with many different occupants sat in the middle of the forest with no signs of life with the large dark grey moon sparkling in the midnight sky. A bit of light broke through the curtains illuminating the bedroom directly landing on Edward's face making him groan in annoyance opening his brown eyes and turning his head slightly glaring at the small opening in between the curtains, exhaling heavily he turned around quietly as possible his back facing the window while staring at you with a smile simply watching you peacefully sleeping. Gently tossing his arm over your body Edward closed his eyes relaxing his body trying to fall to sleep listening to the sounds of the wind gently blowing outside slowly luring him to the land of dreams.

A deep guttural ominous growl rumbled loudly in the bedroom breaking the tranquillity a dark red hue slowly appeared on the doctor's cheeks hearing the sound moving his hand from under the duvet he placed it on top of his small round football size pudgy belly feeling it vibrate as it let out another hungrily growl.

'Can't keep having midnight snacks I'll might get caught.. Just let me sleep please' Edward thought pleading with his body to be quiet not wanting to wake up his significant other taking note that the past few weeks of midnight snacking had started to affect his body. Biting back an annoyed grunt hearing his stomach betraying him once more hearing it demanding food Edward glanced over watching your chest steadily rising and falling, gently brushing a single piece of (H/c) strand away from your face Edward leaned forward pressing a kiss on your forehead before stilly climbing out of bed grimacing every time the bed springs creaked as his weight left the bed.

'A little light snack can't hurt right? Just to settle my appetite' managed to convince himself Edward pulled down his pyjamas top that rode up slightly revealing his tanned soft belly tiptoeing towards the bedroom door and closing the door behind him with a silent click. Moonlight spilled through the two windows in the hallway lighting up patches in the darkness revealing black and white wallpaper covering the walls with tiny hourglasses printed across the walls, using the limited light coming through the windows Edward quietly trudged down the hallway listening to the sounds of a few egos snoring.

Every step downstairs was dreadful for the doctor his face mutely wincing hearing the wooden floorboards creaking extra loudly due to the quietness of the manor. Standing at the entrance of the kitchen Edward blindly moved his hand across the tiled wall until his hand hit the switch causing the light to switch on banishing the pitch-blackness revealing a semi-medium kitchen with a large silver double door fridge, a clean pink coffee machine nuzzled into the corner on top of the counters along with a lot of cupboards littered top of the counters and below the counters. Subconsciously placing a hand on the side of this paunch trying to calm down the monstrous growling emitting from its Edward gingerly plodded towards the fridge his mouth watering once he pulled the doors open as he swiftly went into the freezer pulling out a large white tub along with a spoon as he headed towards the counter plonking his butt on the cool surface his feet dangling his toes barely brushing against the ground.

"Just a few bites... I'm sure Dark won't mind someone having a bit of his ice cream" Edward muttered to himself ripping the top of the tub showing off a full tub of chocolate ice cream the fear he had that the demon would find out it was him and severely punish him vanished his tongue poking out hungrily as he stared at the sugary cool treat. Scooping up a spoonful of ice cream he pushed it past his lips letting out a muffled pleasurable moan tasting the sweet ice cream after the third spoon scooping Edward lost control allowing his gluttonous side to come out, his hand moving in a blurry motion digging more chocolate ice cream constantly keeping his mouth full unaware how quickly he was packing away the food.

Halfway through the ice cream the doctor's stereoscope themed pyjamas top started to look increasingly snugger his small pudgy belly bloating outwards pushing more against the material losing the few creases. A small brown trail of melted ice cream dripped down from his lips down to his chin dropping onto his pyjamas making a little mess in his midnight snacking while stuffing his face with the ice cream his brown eyes caught sight of a long big chocolate bar the size of an adult's arm, without thinking twice about his action Edward ripped the foil off the bar breaking up large chunks stuffing them into his mouth along with ice cream.

The tips of his fingers coated in a mixture of melted chocolate and ice cream his lips smear with chocolate and even his top covered in food strains yet Edward blissfully unaware how much of a mess he was creating on him and around him. The greedy doctor could only think about eating as much as possible loud chewing and swallowing sounds could be heard throughout the kitchen his stomach continuing to round out beginning to poke out from underneath his pyjamas top, starting to feel fuller by the second Edward mindlessly laid down on top of the counter holding the tub of melted ice cream in both hands greedily chugging down the brown liquid.


A loud thunderous satisfying belch left Edward's mouth once he pulled the now empty tub away from his mouth lazily dropping it onto the ground with a thud feeling too full to move, he closed his eyes his hands pressing into the sides of his taut round paunch that resembled an overinflated basketball rubbing soothing circles trying to help his stomach to digest all the sugary amount of food he ate. Purely focused on relaxing and rubbing his belly trying to calm the gurgling sounds coming from its Edward didn't hear the soft pitter patter sounds of sock covered feet coming downstairs nor he didn't notice your head poking around the corner of the kitchen staring at your boyfriend with a mixture of surprise and amusement.

"So, this is what you been doing sneaking away in the middle of nights for the past few weeks. I'll thought you are working Eddie but instead stuffing yourself silly, it explains a lot actually" You spoke up letting out a soft giggle standing next to the counter staring down at your messy bloated doctor boyfriend holding an empty glass indicating you went downstairs for a drink. Immediately hearing his partner's voice Edward's eyes opened the tips of his ears burned bright red feeling embarrassed getting caught he tried to move letting out a grunt finding himself unable to sit up as the movement caused him to burp.

"(Y/n) W-what you doing a-wake Urp at this time?" Edward asked trying to distract and deflect hoping to pass enough time that his partner wouldn't say anything and forget. Simply raising the empty glass in question, you place it down on the counter observing the way his top rode up a few inches exposing a bit of tanned soft belly with the material stretching tightly making a small round dent through the top where his belly button was before placing a hand on top of Edward's helping him rubbing loving circles on his midsection.

"You don't need to hide this from me love I'll love you with all my heart and nothing will change that. If you told me this, I would be more than willing to help keep my chubby doctor from being hungry" You spoke softly and kindly pressing your lips against the doctor's chocolate covered lips tasting hints of chocolate and ice cream mixed together feeling your boyfriend relaxing on the counter further.

"Also, I don't think it was wise eating Wilford's chocolate we all know how protective he is over his sugary snacks... I'll wish you all the luck Eddie because you need it Wilford going to teach you a lesson once he finds out" With that you picked up your glass filling it up with water and quietly leaving the kitchen heading back upstairs chuckling under your breath hearing Edward letting out a groan leaving him stuck on the poor counter.

(The End) 

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