Some More Shy Chubby Anti Headcanons

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A/n: I'll love the idea of shy Anti! :D

. Anti doesn't like being the centre of attention!
. He will do everything in his power to avoid any unwanted attention meaning he would simply use one of the egos or even Sean as a shield hiding behind them!
. The very first time Sean wanted to introduce the chubby demon to his fan base the demon refused being on camera until at least one of the other septics were with him to reassure/offer him support!
. When Anti first materialised/appeared in front of the septics he was a stuttering/blushing mess trying to introduce himself while hiding his red cheeks, the egos found that adorable but they were a little worried as they could see the demon looking quite skinny!
. Their worries only increased when they could feel the glitchy egos ribs whenever they hugged him and once Henrik did the checkup on him that the doctor reluctantly told them that Anti was indeed underweight!
. The Septics band together wanting to shower the shy ego with affection and spoil him in different ways wanting to see him looking healthier!
. Henrik is a total mother hen!
. The good doctor would always wake up early each morning to cook a massive breakfast for each ego which always looked like a massive feast, every breakfast the demon's plate would be a little bigger than everyone else!
. Majority of the time Anti wouldn't be able to finish the delicious cooked breakfast leaving Henrik to slowly feed him the rest whispering comforting/praises as he gently rubs the egos small bloated round through his black shirt!
. Knowing that the demon has a huge sweet tooth JJ would politely drag him into the kitchen at least every two days to use Anti as a taste tester wanting him to try out new recipes/ingredients he used in baking, Anti wouldn't have anytime to refuse finding himself sitting on the counter his green eyes widening in embarrassment as JJ stuffs brownies/cookies/slices of cake into his mouth!
. Robbie knows he can't cook or bake like the other egos due to his hand co-ordination not being the best but he always willing to share his secret stash of snacks with his best glitchy friend!
. Sometimes the rest of the septics would find Robbie snugly sitting on the shy demons lap in the living room slowly and gently feeding him chocolate bars/marshmallows getting chocolate all over Anti's lips with the zombie placing platonic kisses on his stuffed taut midsection!
. Never once does Anti tries to push or decline whenever any of this happen mostly not wanting to disappoint any of the egos but also not wanting to appear rude to them.
. As the days/weeks/months ticked by the septics slowly relaxed their worries lessening seeing the once skinny demon filling out his clothes and more, his ribs vanishing in a thick layer of fat/his once flat stomach proudly bulging outwards against his ill-fitting black shirts and even hanging out exposing a good few inches of soft pale hairy beer belly!
. Many mornings Anti struggling to fit his tight jeans over his thicker softer thighs and chunkier butt spending a good ten minutes jumping up and down making his entire chubby body bouncing!
. Sometimes very shyly with his round chubby cheeks bright red he would ask one of the egos for help to button up his jeans mainly going to Jackie due to his super strength, Jackie could never say no to the cutest shy demon in the world helping to button his jeans up quickly before teasingly rubbing and squeezing the man's large soft basketball gut!
. Frequently the superhero would use the chubby demon as a form of lifting weights lifting him up and down for many minutes telling his friend that he's light as a feather!
. Anti is indeed the youngest ego in the house and gets absolutely spoiled
. Anti sees Chase and Henrik as father figures in his life constantly going to one of them for any advice from having a crush on someone to wanting to cuddle them for some time.
. The first time that Henrik/Chase carried the sleepy demon to bed that Anti called them dad's and mumbling he loved them!
. Chase beamed with happiness!
. Henrik will never admit it but he cried hearing this silently promising to be the best dad in the shy man's life!
. Chase and Sean proudly showing off the chubby demon in their videos who always shyly wave at the camera and become a stuttering mess when the two men proudly rub his soft belly or even shake it in front of the camera listing off all kinds of compliments!
. Does any fans hate Anti?
. If any form of the hate appear anywhere in the comments calling the chubby demon ugly or fat then things won't end well for that person!
. JJ knows how to use a gun and secretly an expert in getting rid of bodies, the silent man does not tolerate any form of hate or bullying and willing to do anything to protect the people he cares about!
. Anti doesn't have any money to buy his friends/family any gifts but he does try anyway from borrowing knitting supplies from JJ to knit sweaters for them or even drawing some digital art of them!
. The very first time that any of the egos bring up the subject of missing supplies causes the shy demon to burst into tears stuttering that he took them to make them gifts/Anti doesn't want anyone to get into trouble for his actions!
. None of the egos like to see Anti cry it shatters their hearts!
. Robbie and JJ tag teaming up to blow raspberries onto their chubby friend's doughy paunch never failing to make Anti burst into laughter!
. Constantly Anti forgetting about his bigger size ending up in embarrassing situations that leave him looking like a tomato!
. Sitting on a stool in Henrik's office for a checkup with his wide thick butt hanging off before it breaks underneath him sending the shy ego falling to the floor onto his back making his shirt swiftly ride up revealing all of his big midsection that wobbles!
. Accidentally belly bumping Marvin and Robbie in the hallways whenever he comes out of his bedroom sending them to the floor/wall but luckily Marvin laughs it off while Robbie gurgles sweetly before clinging to the demons soft plush side his hands immediately going under his shirt stroking and playing with his gut!
. Shy Anti never good with his words!
. But he always tries to show his love and affection for his family with small handmade gifts/giving the septics shy gentle hugs!

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