Chubby Chase x Anti

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A/n: This is for TheRoyalEmo

After the divorce with his now ex-wife Chase's mental health declined rapidly due to the fact Stacey wouldn't allow him to visit his own kids frequently sending photos of herself and the kids looking extremely happy with captions underneath them describing Chase as a deadbeat, worthless man who couldn't provide or make his own kids happy this only caused him to fall deeper into depression. During and after the messy divorce Chase stayed in a single rundown apartment not wanting any of the other egos to see him as he spends many hours either in a random pub chugging down pint after pint of beer until he was blackout drunk drinking away all his sorrows or curled up tightly in a ball on his bed cradling one of his rare photos he has of his kids sobbing uncontrollably begging the universe to allow him to see his kids.

With his lack of communication with the rest of the egos it shouldn't be a surprise that eventually one of them would track him down in person but to the dad's bewilderment the first ego to find him was Anti suddenly glitching into his bedroom standing over him with a permanent bored expression glued to his face. At first Chase thought the demon would mock him call him weak or pathetic seeing the state he was in but none of that happened instead Anti's green eyes shined with concern gently picking up the other broken ego like a baby before glitching back to the house where the demon forced him to lie down in Henrik's office.

Learning about the man's struggles each ego in the house banded together to help Chase through this difficult time from having weekly therapy sessions in the house involving everyone so not to single out Chase. Slowly with time passing the dad ego begun to rely on alcohol less mostly since all forms of alcohol is banned in the house instead focusing more on eating a lot more than usual which the other egos seemed to be happy with this even encouraging this behaviour from JJ treating Chase as a taste tester constantly pushing new freshly baked pastries into his mouth watching with a smile as the dad groans relaxing on the counter to Jackie taking him out to his favourite fast food places buying him tons of his best-loved burgers and pizzas even going far as a eating competition between the two just to get Chase to eat much as he can even thou he loses most of the time.

It was only natural throughout all this that Chase's body would plump up with his slim physique filling out all his clothes his shirts and hoodies unable to hide the moderate curve of his rotund belly or small plentiful love handles lightly sagging over the waistband of his jeans. To everyone's surprise that Anti didn't make a single mean harsh comment about the ego's softer chubbier body thinking that the glitchy ego was trying to be on his best behaviour however, time to time Chase would see in the corner of his eye the demon subtlety staring at his body with his mouth slightly agape and an obvious red hue tinting his pale cheeks leaving Chase utterly confused by the ego's new behaviour.

"Why won't you fasten up damn button? Bruh, I wasn't having any issues yesterday" Chase grumbled under his breath letting out a tired yawn clearly still a little exhausted from just waking up. Standing in the middle of his bedroom Chase let out a heavy exhale briefly glancing down seeing his light grey teenage mutant ninja turtle's shirt bunched up comfortably sitting on top of his hairy doughy basketball paunch only managing to cover his slightly soft chest while his gut was proudly hanging out, biting his lip nervously Chase couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed that he couldn't see his hands that was hidden underneath his stomach grabbing the open flaps of his blue jeans that refused to budge.

Furrowing his eyebrows in determination Chase jumped around his bedroom his hands working hard trying to pull the flaps together to fasten his jeans all the while ignoring the way his moderate hefty stomach bounced heavily with each jump. Grunts filled the quiet bedroom Chase jumped all over the room ending up knocking into his computer desk topple over a few trinkets before the back of his legs hid his bed causing him to land heavily on top of his unmade bed and with a defeated sigh leaving his lips Chase gave up the battle laying on his back staring up at the faded blue ceiling.

Chubby Youtubers/Egos Oneshots (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now